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Everything posted by lonewulf47

  1. Hi Giancarlo, Failure to find the position is mainy caused by a connection error. In the case of EFB v2 connection is provided by FSUIPC. Please look at the STATUS window in the right upper corner. What does it say there? Is there any indication that the Simuator is not connected?
  2. Hi Ruben, Not much information that you provide. What do you mean by "suddenly it doesn not open the PROC"? Did you start EFB v2 normally (Server and Client)? What did the status window show in the Client? Can you provide a screenshot?
  3. Hi Scott, There's a little technical trick to properly display the correct path in the documents folder: At first sight it will display the default for anything inside the documents folder (in German here on my computer): however if you click onto the path window, the full path will be displayed: So in any case the path is correct. It is however a well known fact that a timeserver is not always available at any split second. The reason for this is the fact is that almost ALL computers worldwide are accessing the same timeservers in various intervals. Given the fact that there are (estimated) at least 1 Billion computers trying to access the timeserver every time they deem it necessary to update the Computer's internal time, it is easily understandable that there can be some (excessive) delay to establish a proper connection. That's why it usually takes more than one attempt to connect. This timeserver connection however is only required to verify the time-limited trial license. As soon as EFB v2 is fully licensed, no more access to the timeserver is required.
  4. Hi Scott, Please read this carefully: https://forum.aivlasoft.com/topic/2813-could-not-reach-any-date-server-port-13/
  5. No, traffic patterns cannot be depicted as they are not part of the ARIC Dataset. EFB v2 is prepared to show pattern altitudes, if they are available. Unfortunaltely they are not ATM. The only information that is available in the ARINC dataset is the direction of the Traffic Pattern (L or R), wich is indiacted in the Approach Procedures Window in the RWY Summary on top.
  6. Yes, EFB v2 makes use of the extended frequencies format. frequency display is dependend on the A/C position. If you are close to an active region, all applicable frequencies are shown. Alternatively onyl Unicom is shown if no active areas are around.
  7. EFB is v2 capable to show all ARINC coded Navaids and Airways, which includes most TACAN stations. Purely militarily used installations however are not covered and therefore not available. At the moment there is no possibility to add custom navaids as there is no immediate necessity. We MIGHT however consider such possibilities at a later stage to e.g. implement "nostalgic" routes and procedures but at this very moment there are no provisions set up for this.
  8. Hi Lloyd, Start the EFB-Server and click on the Menu Tab "License"
  9. Alternatively you can use the following method: Goto: "C:\Users\User\Documents\AivlaSoft\EFB2\Server\DbBuilder\Base" and open the file "IcaoCodeReplacements.txt" There should already be an entry reading FAJS=FAOR right below that write SPIM=SPJC And save the file. Now you must re-build the database and it should be ok. This is a method we created for such cases, however you need to write the change manually as described.
  10. Yes, exactly! SPIM does not exist anymore in the ARINC database, only SPJC. However as long as no AFCAD for SPJC exists, EFB has no information about this airport existing in the Simulator and therefore cannot assign any procedures. So as a consequence LatinVFR should issue a new AFCAD for SPJC or - alternatively you could create one with ADE yourself.
  11. First of all, there is no feature to export any chart from EFB v2. To be honest: why would you want to do that? EFB means Electronic Flight Bag and provides exactly the maps that you need. Why should there be a need to use another map? The Ground Map of EFB v2 is an exact rendition of the Airport Layout used in your simulator (derived directly from the AddOn Developer's AFCAD), while the Navigraph Maps are a redition of the Real Life Layout of the same airport. As you might know this is not always the same 😄
  12. Yes, I see that the DBuilder does not complete its task. For any reason the scenery.cfg is not completed. I will have Urs looking into this.
  13. BTW, I see that you use an outdated version of EFB v2. Please download the newest release from our server and un- und reinstall EFB v2. We cannot give any support on outdated versions.
  14. Please check the following path: C:\Users\<yourname>\Documents\AivlaSoft\EFB2\Server\DbBuilder\Ready\P3Dv4AS for the presence of the follwing files: If not all files are present, then something went wrong with the database bild.
  15. First thing is: when the DatabaseBuilder was finished, did you the select the database? (the button "select" at the lower right corner is active). So, after the database builder has finished the firs time, you need to select the required database. I propose to run the DatabaseBuilder again and then not just close it but SELECT the required database. This will automatically start the EFB Server.
  16. Hi Emanuel, Please create a set of support files according to the procedure here: https://forum.aivlasoft.com/topic/3046-how-to-create-a-support-file/ and post it here or alternatively to support@aivlasoft.com.
  17. What Simulator do you use? Did you try to rebuld the database? ESGG is a well known airport which is included als as default. I can see it without problems.
  18. Hi Darren, Actually, you can't do anything wrong. EFB displays what is contained in the AFCAD of the respective airport. Please check on the (i) window (example below) what file is indicated under position 1). This is the file used for ground depiction. I have no idea what Latin VFR is supplying with its AddOn as I don't use this for LEBL.
  19. No, while the latest EFB v1 installer can still be downloaded on our server, it is not marketed anymore. Sorry, we thought that this was clear as it is not supported anymore.
  20. Hi Dirk, A screenshot would be appreciated, however I assume that I know what you mean. This is not a bug but a feature...😉 The reason is that IRL you would not erase the line on the procedure chart either. Even after getting a DCT clearance to a wayoint, the procedure chart still shows the original procedure. In your FMS you have deleted the waypoints and it shows a straight line to the DCT waypoint. The same happens in EFB v2. The original procedure is always retained on the map display. JFK in your example is the Clearance Limit. If you got an Approach Clearance with the corresponding Approach Procedure and experience a COM failure, you will continue to the clearance limit and thereafter comply with either ICAO rules or special rules for this specific airport, whichever applies. In the SIM - thanks God - you don't care too much about such mishaps, in contrary to Real Life...😄
  21. No. Don't use this! Just set the correct export path in PFPX. This is of course possible! Alternatively use the uplink feature with a released Flight Plane from PFPX.
  22. Sounds strange. I can see it without problems here. What exactly is the issue when you say "is not found" ? Do you have a payware airport installed? Do you see it when called up by the airport list?
  23. EFB has no connection to the Sim. Do you have the correct version of FSUIPC installed?
  24. Never mind, Peter. The same happened to me at first instance...😉 VERTEX seems to be a copyrighted term, so they needed to "divert" to VERTX.
  25. Hi Ross, This is - unfortunately - a problem, that EFB v2 cannot solve with his own algorithms. If you look at the screenshot below it is easily recognizeable (use Crl & Alt & A to show the ARINC runways). The only runway with active procedures is 08L/26R. The different designators (08L/26R iso 08/26) would be something that EFB could overcome, if not another limit were exceeded. in this case it is the limit of 1 km between the old (existing in FSX(P3D) and the actual Thresholds. We cannot match a procedure to a completely displaced threshold. That would - especially in the case of an ILS - lead to completely iregular results, but also any SID would be irregular. The only remedy is a new AFCAD. If you or someone else are able to make one with the help of ADE, it will also depict the correct (missing) runway. That's the only workaround.
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