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Everything posted by aivlasoft

  1. Peter, as Drew already mentioned, you must select the file named "current_wx_snapshot.txt".
  2. Andrew, version 1.3.x of EFB always uses UTC time, regardless of the settings in FSX. This is a feature that will change with version 2. There you can select whether you want to use FS-time or computer time.
  3. Thanks Todd for this information. I will have a look whether there are some more "unknown" airport identifiers.
  4. Peter, SimConnect (the programming interface to FSX) raises this exception whenever FSX has crashed. Unfortunately it doesn't tell us WHY it has crashed. More information here (taken from the FAQs): viewtopic.php?f=3&t=145
  5. Peter, could you please send me the following two files "... \Documents\AivlaSoft\EFB\Settings\DataProvider_UserSettings.bin" and "... \Documents\AivlaSoft\EFB\Settings\DataProvider_UserSettings_current.bak" and all the logfiles (Windows Start Menu > All Programs > AivlaSoft > EFB > Logfiles) from the DataProviders computer ... ... to support@aivlasoft.com. Thanks.
  6. Hi Todd, I think that I figured out the problem that the developers of Antarctica X must have been faced with: FSX needs a unique ICAO code for every airport, but ... 1) Antarctica is "nobody's" land and therefore it has no official ICAO country code. 2) Antarctica is only listed as a region using ICAO code "NZ". 3) Many of the "airports" in Aerosoft's Antarctica X are not really airports but research stations and therefore you won't find it on any list of airports. Now the developers used the identifier "AQnn" for the "airports", where n stands for any number from 0 to 9. EFB didn't know "AQ" as a valid country code and therefore it raised an exception. After the exception has been raised, the process of creating the airport index must be corrupted. I changed the source code in EFB so that any airport with country code "AQ" is now mapped to "NZ" but the country is not New Zealand but Antarctica. A first build of the upcoming version 1.3.2 is currently under test by our beta-team. For further (interesting) reading: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internatio ... rport_code http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ai ... Antarctica http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_re ... Antarctica
  7. I just opened a new thread at the Navigraph forum: http://forum.navigraph.com/forum/defaul ... sts&t=3046
  8. Jack, thanks for the kind words and welcome aboard
  9. Richard, it seems to be the same problem than already answered in my posting above. Sometimes it might happen that controllers are using callsigns which do not correspond with the definitions in the "firs.dat" file. If so, then EFB cannot assign a certain frequency to a certain FIR/ARTCC area.
  10. Richard, 1) Could you post the specifications of that computer? 2) Are they in accordance to the minimum requirements listed here: http://www.aivlasoft.com/products/index.html 3) Did you change the windows colors to sort of "classic-colors" 4) How many other programs and processes are running on that computer
  11. Vic, thanks for that nice screenshot. Now I see what's the cause for that. From the manual (section 7, page 5): For both, GASA and MEF, the values are derived from the SRTM data which covers an area between 60° north and 54° south. Please note that the values which appear on the charts are not the same values that are found on real-world charts – those values account for direct observation of man-made obsticles that can‟t be accounted for within FSX. For more information on SRTM data please see http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/srtm/coverage.html Iceland is more than 60° north and therefore you see everywhere the minimum safe altitude. EFB version 2.0 will (most probably) cover the entire world.
  12. Richard, I don't know of such a file where the fixes are assigned to countries. BTW, to which country would you assign MEDIL? It's right on the border
  13. Richard, No. The update frequency is defined by IVAO. We are not allowed to reduce the frequency. Sorry. Sometimes it might happen that controllers are using callsigns which do not correspond with the definitions in the "firs.dat" file. If so, then EFB cannot assign a certain frequency to a certain FIR/ARTCC area. The frequency ribbon shows all the expected frequencies along your route. If you leave a controlled airspace and you enter an uncontrolled airspace you will see the Unicom frequency in the ribbon. If you want to prevent this - especially when crossing only small and uncontrolled areas - please have a look at the manual, section 10, page 8.
  14. Vic, could you please provide me a screenshot where I can see it. Maybe a screenshot from the Alps area (or any other mountainous region). Thx.
  15. Richard, please have a look at the following chart, which shows the part of your route where you are crossing the border to France.[attachment=0]crossing_france_border.jpg[/attachment] - Borders are always depicted in green color. - Then you might have seen the different airport identifiers on each side of the border - MEDIL is the waypoint ... e voilà nous sommes en France
  16. Guy, thanks for this file. It seems that this is not a single flight plan but a list of flight plans in one single file. The EFB flight plan handlers cannot administrate a list of flight plans, they are designed to only create a single flight plan. Therefore I think that I cannot create a specific handler for the Prosim737 data format.
  17. Lothar, Soweit ich weiss, kann die vertikale Flugführung nicht über das Garmin System kontrolliert/gesteuert werden. EFB hat ebenfalls keinen Einfluss auf den Gleitpfad. EFB rechnet nur aus, welche Sinkrate du am Mode Control Panel (bei V/S) eingeben musst, damit die nächste Höhenrestriktion eingehalten werden kann. Wenn also das Flugzeug nach dem Anschneiden des Gleitpfades nicht entlang dem Gleitpfad sinkt, dann ist der Autopilot nicht richtig konfiguriert. For our English speaking readers: As far as I know there is no vertical guidance through the Garmin system. EFB also doesn't set any values for the vertical speed on the auto pilot system. EFB only calculates the values which must be set on the Mode Control Panel (V/S) for a proper descent to the next altitude restriction. If the aircraft doesn't follow the glidepath (after a successful interception), then I assume that the auto pilot is not properly set.
  18. Guy, thanks for this brief description. Could you send me some example files to support@aivlasoft.com?
  19. Sam, no, this is currently not possible. Unless you place it in a certain folder where you can pick it up from the library function.
  20. Lothar, diese Einstellung findest du unter "System" > "Settings" > "Flight Information" For our English speaking readers: Lothar asked where he can select the option "Use the first altitude ..." as described in the operations manual, section 8, page 13. [attachment=0]settings.jpg[/attachment]
  21. Guy, could you provide me some ProSim737 CDU data files? So we can try to figure out the data format.
  22. Richard, does it happen with different routes or only with a certain route?
  23. @Fabrizio, the Runways.txt file is here (at least if it's a Win7 system): "C:\Users\[username]\Documents\AivlaSoft\EFB\UserData" Please read the operations manual for further details on this topic.
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