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Everything posted by aivlasoft

  1. Hi Louis, there are three ways to get to the aircraft editor: 1) at the DisplayUnit, select the "System" menu, then select the menu item "Aircraft editor" 2) open the "Route Setup" page, search for the drop down menu "aircraft", then press the button on the right side which is named "Edit". 3) go to the DisplayUnit settings, select tab "Miscellaneous", then press the button "create new" on the right side of the drop down box where you can select your aircraft.
  2. Hi, according to the forum rules, please sign your posts with your real first name. Thanks. The On-Screen menu only works if EFB is currently displaying a chart or the flightlog. If the DisplayUnit is in any other "mode", the menu will not work.
  3. Hi, according to the forum rules, please sign your posts with your real first name. Thanks. What you explain sounds to me like a problem with the access rights for several folders. Do you have a special configuration of hard disks on your computer, or did you install it when you were logged in as a user without administrator rights?
  4. Hi Jerry, building a database for EFB is a very complex process especially for version 2.0 because there are a lot more things which will be considered than in version 1.x when building a database. Nevertheless there are several intermediate stages that will be saved to reduce the overall build time when rebuilding the database due to a switch from one to the other simulator.
  5. Hi John, please read this article from the FAQs: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1260 Hope this helps.
  6. Hi Alain, what about a double-click on the title bar of that window? Does it resize to normal or not?
  7. Hi Graham, of course you can give the full installation a try, although if you already have had an installation before most probably it will not change things a lot. But I think you should try to start the DisplayUnit without WideClient. Try to just start the DataProvider (and nothing more on that computer), then start the DisplayUnit on the other computer (and nothing more than this). It's good practice to test with only these two components. If it works, try to start the next program, and so on ...
  8. Graham, you can have a look at the Windows Event Viewer (Application log). Maybe you can locate an entry there from the DisplayUnit?
  9. Hi Graham, sorry to not answer earlier ... Can you send me all the logfiles from both computers? Please zip all files that can be located in the Logfiles folder from both computers. Mail address is support@aivlasoft.com. And yes, please let me know the time when it happened for the last time so I can faster find it in the logfiles.
  10. Hi William, the file you can try to delete is usually located in C:\Users\[username]\Documents\AivlaSoft\EFB\Settings and it is named "DisplayUnit_UserSettings.bin".
  11. Hi William, an update to the latest version is always a good idea . Since it seems that the settings file is corrupt you can try the update, but if the error persists please try to remove the settings file and then restart. EFB will then create a new settings file and you have to enter/verify the settings from new.
  12. Hi, as per the forum rules, please sign your posts with your real first name. Thanks. . I did a look at the specifications of the Surface Pro 2 tablet and it has a native display resolution of 1920 x 1080 (HDMI). This should be sufficient to show all the dialogs and windows without hiding the buttons. Did you change the general font size of Windows or anything similar?
  13. Hi Fabrizio, thanks for this link. Unfortunately there are "only" the sector files and not the files for ServInfo. EFB currently can only read the ServInfo files and not the sector files. But I think that these sector files could be a good source for version 2.0 of EFB. I will have a deeper look into this data structure soon when I'm working on the online data for version 2.0.
  14. Hi Fabrizio, are you talking of IVAO or VATSIM? Do you know where to get the latest files?
  15. Hi Lee, unfortunately there is no fix for version 1.x but it will be much more flexible in version 2. Right now you can try to resize the window starting with the top border and then move the window up.
  16. Hi Alain, good to hear that the panel is back to normal . Yes, this is possible. Please refer to the operations manual and also to the configuration manual. There you will find all the required information on how to configure and which settings must be done.
  17. Hi, please, according to the forum rules, sign your posts with your real first name. Thanks. I like to know to whom I'm talking. Pressing the 'Progress' button shows you the horizontal menu (aka Progressbar) at the top of chart. It shows you the 'timeline' of your flight, starting with ground, departure ... until ground of your destination airport. If you press the 'Progress' button it will not change anything because the Progressbar is already visible. I guess you would like the have a button which selects the current phase? The basic algorithm for such a feature I have already written for version 2.0. But I cannot say yet whether it works, because I could not test it under real conditions (ground chart). In a test environment it works. Should be no longer a problem in version 2.0. The button "Check" is to open a dialog where you can connect/disconnect to the AivlaSoft online data server. Switching on/off traffic is just a visual feature. I cannot say how this will be solved in version 2.0, but I will try to make it easier (less buttons to click).
  18. Hi Ray, it seems that you have the same TFT like me. Yes, the resolution of 1280x1024 works fine with version 2.0. Of course 4:3 is still a good option, but portrait is no longer supported because of the new layout which tries to leave as much room as possible in the vertical direction. This is one of the not-so-good-things in EFB version 1.x, especially on the approach chart. I'm aware of that and therefore all possible data has been moved to the side.
  19. Herbert, the release date is not yet predictable and also the price is not yet defined. For further information please refer to this special thread which is the place for any announcements concerning version 2.0. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1401
  20. Alain, Maybe you try this one: http://www.take-a-screenshot.org/
  21. Minimum height of the screen resolution will be 768 pixels. Portrait orientation is no longer supported, only landscape. This is due to the fact that in the last few years more or less only wide screen displays with an aspect ratio of 16:9 or 16:10 have come to the market.
  22. Hi Ezio, most probably only the horizontal divider on the map has been moved too much to the top of the chart. Please have a look at the screenshot below where you see the "4 dots" which is a grip to move the divider up and down. Press and hold your left mouse button and you can drag it. [attachment=0]ComFrequenciesHorizontalDivider.jpg[/attachment]
  23. Hi Alain, could you post a screenshot so we can see how big and where on the screen the Flight Information Window is?
  24. Hi Alan, I'm afraid that I cannot be of help because I don't own any Carenado aircraft. Maybe there are other users who can help?
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