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Everything posted by aivlasoft

  1. Hi Andy, I don't know what's wrong on your computer because I cannot reproduce the behavior you described here on my computers. I assume that you already have rebooted your computer and maybe also the router or any other hardware within the network? You can try to copy/paste the following link into the address bar of your browser: http://status.vatsim.net/status.txt Does it download a website similar to this: [attachment=0]vatsim_status_file.jpg[/attachment]
  2. Hi Andy, the URL is not available via settings. It's a link which is listed on a page which itself is downloaded by the server. It's not the user's responsibility. Does it work again on your computer?
  3. Hi JJ, the error you describe happens if the status file of either IVAO or VATSIM does not contain any usable URL. I just checked it on my system and there it works. Does it still happen on your system? BTW, according to the forum rules, please sign your posts with your real first name. Thanks.
  4. Zaur, This statement lacks any factual basis and only presents the product in a bad way. I'm not amused about such statements. EDIT (2014-06-06): In the meantime (after several emails) Zaur could find the cause of the problem. Here's an excerpt from the email he sent to me: I found the program called WideCap installed on the day EFB stopped working. Uninstalled and it is working ... It would be awesome if you added a note that widecap and similar apps can intercept the connection
  5. Thanks for this detailed (and indeed interesting) information. You are aware of that this is a forum about flight simulation software and not real world aviation software? The product that we sell is mostly running on desktop PCs at home and connects with Microsoft Flight Simulator X and/or Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D.
  6. As far as I know there is only one free of charge AND reliable (!) source for METAR and TAF -> (http://aviationweather.gov). This source is providing weather data for worldwide use. But anyway, I'm curious what you mean with "offline/without internet connection". IMHO that is not possible unless someone is bringing you a CD or similar data storage every hour with the new and updated weather data.
  7. Jozeo, EFB 1.x does not support iPad nor does it support TAF. EFB currently only supports downloading of METAR data. Downloads can - obviously - not work when your system is offline. Are you sure that you are at the right forum for your product?
  8. Luke, I guess that the scenery "Abu Dhabi" itself must be listed in the scenery.cfg? Maybe this was not automatically done when you installed this scenery. e.g. (where 'nnn' means any number): [Area.nnn] Title=Abu Dhabi Local=Addon Scenery\Abu Dhabi Layer=nnn Active=TRUE Required=FALSE
  9. Please make sure that the .bgl-file is located in a folder which is named "scenery". This is required from FSX.
  10. Hi Luke, the DataProvider's "story board" is the scenery.cfg. All scenery which is listed there will be analyzed. Did you already have a look at this file? Is the new scenery for OMAA listed there?
  11. Hi Andy, yes, now when you explain what you understand, I also see it
  12. Hi Frans, EFB only shows ATC if they are listed in the definitions file. Unfortunately it's a long time ago when somewhere on the internet an update of these definitions could be found. So you may give it a try and download the files from our website, maybe they are a little bit newer? I'm in touch with IVAO and they told me that they are working on a new solution to provide regular updates of these files, but we all have to be patient until they are ready. I'm sorry, but I don't understand the meaning of this. Could you try to explain in more details. Thanks.
  13. Thanks Clive for your feedback. I'm glad to read that it's working again.
  14. Zaur, please send me all the logfiles which you can locate in the folder: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\AivlaSoft\EFB\Logfiles Maybe there's a trace ... email address is support@aivlasoft.com
  15. Zaur, I also don't have an idea what could be the cause of the problem. I only know that locally on ONE computer we never had any connection issues. Very interesting. EFB didn't change anything concerning the TCP communication since one of the first versions years ago. So I assume that probably due to some (hidden) Windows updates something must have changed on your computer?
  16. Hi William, I can only advise the steps for EFB. From my point of view you don't have to uninstall/install EFB. Just install the latest update 1.5.1 (if not yet done) and verify the DataProvider settings ("Simulators" tab). Then - of course - you have to run the "Scenery data update".
  17. Zaur, there are some settings which are important for the connection to the DataProvider: 1) TCP/IP tab: Verify that "Server mode" is set to local 2) Folders tab: Provider data folder should be "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\AivlaSoft\EFB\AivlaSoft.Efb.DataProvider" 3) Verify that the Port-No. is set to equal values on the DisplayUnit and the DataProvider (the values can be between 49152 up to 65535). It might happen (by coincidence) that the default port number 51747 is already in use on your computer by another software. If this were happen, just use another port number from the range mentioned before. But if you change the number don't forget to always adjust it on both DisplayUnit and DataProvider.
  18. Hi Amon, please verify the DisplayUnit settings. On the "Charts", "Traffic" tab you will find an option "Show AI/Multiplayer traffic" and below "Show 'online' traffic. Tick both of them an the TRFC button will become available as soon as the DataProvider is connected and running with FSX/P3D.
  19. Hi Bruce, I'm glad to hear that you could solve it. BTW, in my opinion a customer is never a pain .
  20. Hi Bruce, thanks for your quick response. Looks confusing, two times the same runway identifier ... Did you make any changes or additions in the "runways.txt" file?
  21. Hi Bruce, 1) have you installed any third party scenery for EBBR or do you use stock airport? 2) Which navdata provider do you use and what cycle? 3) Can you provide a screenshot with the runway selection dialog?
  22. Sander, the information which is "behind" these buttons, is only available when the DataProvider is connected with the simulator. Therefore these buttons are not available when the simulator is not running or is paused.
  23. Hi Graham, Version 2 will replace SimConnect by FSUIPC, that's right. SimConnect is only used for the connection to FS9/FSX/P3D, locally on the FS computer. The networking part (between DataProvider and DisplayUnit) is done without SimConnect, already in version 1.x. EFB has its own networking software which does not need SimConnect. I will try to fix this "close connection" exception with the next update.
  24. Hi Karol, currently no release date is predictable.
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