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Everything posted by Andydigital

  1. There is a post in here about USSS already from just a few days ago, the AFCAD supplied by that vendor is in FS9 format and they are not compatible with EFB and its database builder. You need to convert any such AFCADS to FSX format with ADE or AD9X as its called now. This will most likely be what is causing the other airports not to show too. Here is the other thread I spoke of viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1043
  2. Great so at least we know its not a EFB issue, I hope you like the airport Urs, lol.
  3. AS far as I understand it EFB cannot read portions of the AFCAD because the FS9 format is different to the FSX format, I could be wrong though.
  4. It looks like a nice airport actually, what is the performance like compared to UK2000 Xtreme airports for example? It's a good price too.
  5. There are three versions of this airport make sure you download the correct version from the Aerosoft server, i.e. there is one for Prepar3d, FSX and FS2004. The problem is the same FS2004 AFCAD is used for all three version it seems, although running it through AD9X should allow you to convert it to FSX format I think. I don't own this airport by the way, this is just info I have learned this morning from the AS forum and the AS product page for Yekaterinburg.
  6. METARS are released every 30 minutes at 20 past and 10 to the hour in AS2012 (Active Sky) just like the real world, I don't see any reason why REX would be any different.
  7. Don't get Maxi-Vista it doesn't allow you to use the the iPads touch screen. Air Display allows you to create another monitor and it acts like a touch screen monitor too. Air Display isn't perfect though, just search the forum for "iPad Air Display" there are a few posts on the forum discussing the subject.
  8. The obvious things to check are your firewall and anti virus software, temporarily remove or disable those programs from your PC while installing and registering EFB, then once it has worked you can reinstall the security software again. If that still doesn't work then you need to figure out why you alone cannot connect to the EFB registration server. Possibly you are blocking the server locally with a custom host file, if you don't know what a host file is then you probably haven't done that.
  9. Visually there is a taxiway M and U in the UK2000 scenery, but it is only a fake texture, it is not a proper FS taxiway that AI can use as can clearly be seen in Travis's screenshot taken in AD9X, there are no taxiway nodes and connections, only aprons.
  10. There are most likely left out of the AFCAD for efficient traffic flow purposes and to stop taxi deadlocks.
  11. Thanks for that, we all learned something new today then.
  12. Wycliffe if you are going to call somebody a liar please at least qualify what you are on about, its only fair, I doubt anyone here has a clue what you are talking about, I know I dont.
  13. Just what the doctor ordered. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=917 viewtopic.php?f=5&t=960 By the way clicking on an undocked FS panel is not going outside of FS and hence it is not losing focus, clicking on another application like EFB or your web browser is outside of the FS environment, thus FS loses focus. Until very recently this problem was not possible to get around and it effected every application outside of FS not just EFB, Sound Stream fixes this problem for the most part, with caveats as I point out in the first thread.
  14. It is excellent, but I beat you to it slightly viewtopic.php?f=5&t=917
  15. I don't get any stutters ever and I use all of the above regularly. Try moving the ground traffic (cars, boats, ships) sliders to off and that includes the airport ground traffic as well, all of those disabled together can increase your frame rate by as much as 40% depending on the PC you are using. Those items are the biggest frame rate hogs after AI Traffic, unless you are using MyTraffic X in which case they become THE biggest frame rate hog as MTX is very easy on frame rates compared to all the other AI packages available.
  16. If you are using the NGX and the FSUIPC Autosave facility make sure your anti virus program is setup to exclude the FSX folder from scanning, otherwise you can get some serious pauses while FSUIPC invokes the save.
  17. Hi, Flight1 has released a new program called Sound Stream, its one of those features/programs that nearly all FSX users have been begging for for nearly 6 years. It provides the ability to hear FSX sounds even when FSX no longer has focus. This brand new module released today allows FSX sounds to continue playing and be heard even when FSX is minimised or if you are using another program in the foreground like EFB, or a web browser for example. I have found one limitation with it already, the PMDG NGX has some custom sounds that are run outside of the FSX environment, some cockpit background sounds like avionics cooling fans for example are run outside of the sim, Sound Stream cannot handle these sounds so they are muted just like before when FS looses focus, all the rest of the internal FSX generated sounds continue to be heard though. For more details on this program see the Flight1 website, the App is called "Sound Stream". I am not affiliated in any way with this product or its developer, I just read about it on the AVSIM home page and then immediately downloaded it and felt the need to tell everyone about how cool it is, lol. This is definitely another add-on for FSX that goes in the same pigeon hole as EFB e.g. A MUST HAVE PRODUCT.
  18. It didn't need any balance Wycliffe, it was a topic about a specific piece of software, this isn't the BBC where you have to say something strange like, "similar products are available from other companies" at the end of every sentence when mentioning a product
  19. It's miles off yet let's worry about that in the weeks leading up to release.
  20. In my opinion Netbooks are pretty much terrible at just being internet browsing devices i.e. there intended purpose, using them for anything that requires any consistent processing power is not recommended. My netbook (ACER AO531 with upgraded 2Gb RAM (waste of money)) takes about 4 minutes to boot from cold/off and about another 6 minutes or so until its finished loading (CPU idle) its default factory installed apps, its crap, really crap. If you have an external monitor plugged into them (higher res than 1280x600) as well they slow down even more as the integrated GPU's are truly abysmal, they generally struggle playing back 480p video off Youtube and fall flat on their face at 720p.
  21. Have you run a scenery database update since installing EGLC and removing the entry from the runways.txt
  22. He never said you were making it up, he said that must have been near impossible. To me it was a compliment, not an accusation.
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