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Everything posted by aivlasoft

  1. Hi René, thanks for this detailed report. Much appreciated, really. Before I start asking some questions, did you already read this thread? viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1535 Maybe it helps. If not, just come back and let me know.
  2. Hi, it's most probably one of the text boxes on the "Navigation data" tab which causes this message. You have to enter the folder name into both text boxes for each navigation data provider. E.g. if you select "Aerosoft" as your navigation data provider then you have to fill in the folder name for both simulator types, also if you not run the "other" simulator type.
  3. Terry, from the logfiles it seems to be all OK. No problems logged there. Can you try it once again when changing the postfix ".pln" to ".txt"? Or you may send it to support@aivlasoft.com.
  4. Hi Terry, maybe this is the same as here? viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1560
  5. Anthony, I agree with you that it is a hard task to reinstall FSX. I did it in the last few days so I know from what I'm talking Your question cannot be answered by myself since I don't know it. But if I were in your position I would ask first why there is this folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\New folder (2)\". Is this folder really available on the hard disk. Maybe this is the clue to a solution. Maybe this can be renamed or copied or what ever ...
  6. Michael, "greyed out" means that either no procedures are available or that some runway identifiers do not agree between flight simulator data and navigation data. Did you already read this topic viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1260. There might be another hint in the operations manual, section 2, page 3, "Messages on the DataProvider window".
  7. Hi Rob, thanks for the files. I could locate the cause of the error message: It seems that some important information is missing in this flight plan. Usually for a waypoint it is required to add the node "ATCWaypointType" (see lines below in the code window). In the plan you have sent to me this information is missing for all waypoints of type = "Intersection". If this flight plan has been built with the P3D flight planner than this is a new difference in reference to the 'old' FSX flight planner. Intersection K2 ROBIE
  8. Marco, I must say that I don't know FSPS Ultimate Checklist so all what I can do is guessing ... Since you are not sure which add-on is causing the problem I recommend to go "back to square one" which means a fresh and clean install of FSX + SP1 & SP2. Then install FSUIPC only since it's the most used add-on. Don't install Ultimate Checklist yet, only EFB. Then test it. After you have pressed the activation button, EFB writes the flight plan into the FSX flight plans folder and will load it into the FSX flight planner. The file which is written is "EFB_current_garmin.pln". You can stop this if you unselect the option "Load / update Garmin GPS ..." from the DataProviders settings (tab "Simulators"). SimConnect is the connection to FSX for a lot of add-ons. Most of these add-ons do reading and writing every now and then mostly triggered by a user interaction. Based on an internal timer EFB reads every second from SimConnect and therefore it is usually the first add-on that realizes that something does no longer work as it should, although EFB is not the cause for the problem. Imagine that any add-on causes FSX to hang, SimConnect is the next that is affected by the hang and most probably EFB is then the next which is affected. It's like a chain of reaction. After you have tested EFB and you can say that everything is running, then try to install FSPS Ultimate Checklist and do the same tests again. Only test one by one add-on and try to test as isolated as possible. Most users are installing too much add-ons at a time and then it is very difficult to locate the problems.
  9. Hi Rob, you're right, it's a typo Sorry, and fixed now! (you seem to have eyes like a hawk!) Could you please send me the following items to support@aivlasoft.com: - one or two flight plans which you have created with P3DV2 - logfiles from both computers (if running a networked installation), else from the FSX computer. Usually these files are located in: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\AivlaSoft\EFB\Logfiles. Please zip all the files you can locate in these folders and send them to me - when the error message appears, try to press the button named "Details". It will open a window below this button. Can you try to copy paste the first lines where the error is described in detail?
  10. Hi Anthony, I fear that the only way to fix it is a proper new installation of FSX.
  11. Lukas, it's not EFB that sends to FSINN, it's FSInn itself that scans the folder for recently updated files. As far as I know (I don't run FSInn) you cannot stop this behavior, it's hard coded in FSInn. You can only stop EFB of sending a changed route to the Garmin GPS system by changing the corresponding settings (DataProvider > Menu "Extras" > Settings > Simulators: "Load/update Garmin ...".
  12. Hi Anthony, thanks for the logfiles. From what I can see in the logfiles, there must be a problem with the installation paths. Sometimes it is referred to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\" and sometimes to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\New folder (2)\". Most probably the paths in the scenery.cfg ("C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Fsx\scenery.cfg") don't correlate with the real path names on the harddisk.
  13. Hi Gabriel, thanks for the screenshots. I think that the problem could be that your flight simulator is installed into "C:\Program files(x86)\...". This folder has some restrictions concerning access rights. This security feature has been introduced with Windows Vista and is still part of Windows 7 and 8 and will remain part of all following operating systems. Every program that is installed into this folder must be aware that writing data in one of the subsequent folders can cause problems if the program does not run under certain user/access rights. Therefore Windows offers some separate folders for program data outside of this folder. Since your FSX is installed in C:\Program files(x86)\... and therefore the PMDG folder is also there, it might lead the troubles when EFB is trying to write a flight plan into the "flightplans" folder of the PMDG aircraft. There are two solutions available: a) Install FSX into another folder than C:\Program files(x86)\... When starting EFB DisplayUnit, start it with a right-mouse-click and select "run as administrator" BTW, on your screenshot I can see that the FSX flight plans will be written into the wrong folder. FSX will not find them there. It's a folder which is named like "C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files" (for the English version of FSX). The name "Flight Simualtor X Files" vary from language to language. Hope this helps.
  14. Hi, according to the forum rule #4 (see orange area at the top of each page) please sign your posts with your real first name. Thanks! Can you please verify whether the plan which you select and load does contain airway information or not? Can you send me this plan as an *.efbr file (EFB route)? I may be wrong but I think that you cannot select the route in your FMC before you have saved it from the EFBs save dialog. In other words, when you see the company route LEBLLEPA01 in your FMC before you have saved it in EFB, then it must be a previously saved route (where ever that route came from). I do not agree. I use this function almost every day. I create a flight plan in EFB, then press the Save button and save that route as PMDG rte-file. Then I go over to the "cockpit" and select it from the company routes window in the FMC. So no problems here on my side ...
  15. Hi, according to the forum rule #4 (see orange area at the top of each page) please sign your posts with your real first name. Thanks! The category information is taken from the FSX BGL-files, it's based on the landing system equipment. Current navigation data (either Aerosoft or Navigraph) does not cover the category information. You can only select from the procedures which are provided by the navigation data provider, but - as mentioned above - there might be no correlation between the procedure and the indicated ILS category.
  16. Hi all, Navigraph has released revision 2 for AivlaSoft's EFB. Please download this latest revision: http://www.navigraph.com/FmsDataManualInstall.aspx
  17. Hi Jorge, It seems that you already have the demo license activated. That's OK so. The error message which appears means that the path to the navigation data is not correct. To fix this, open the menu "Extras - Settings", then select the tab "Navigation data" and enter the correct path to the navigation data. If you have installed the default data set which comes with the full installation, then you will find it in your FSX installation folder, below "AivlaSoft".
  18. Hi all, it seems that the EGLL data file in "AIRAC cycle 1401 Vers 1". contains some wrong lines which cause the DataProvider to a series of error messages. I will send a note to Navigraph so they can fix it. As a workaround you can manually change the file using any text editor like notepad.exe: 1) Quit DataProvider and DisplayUnit 2) Navigate to the file EGLL.txt which is located in [NavigationData]\AivlaSoft\SIDSTARS 3) Open the file for edit using notepad.exe (or similar program) 4) Search for the following two lines: FIX ILL10 LATLON -999 -999 FIX IRR10 LATLON -999 -999 5) Replace them with the following lines: FIX ILL10 LATLON N 51 28.07052 W 0 10.05684 FIX IRR10 LATLON N 51 28.8345 W 0 9.996 6) Save the file 7) Start the DataProvider and the DisplayUnit and load airport EGLL Hope this helps.
  19. Frank, which window do you mean? Can you provide us a screenshot of that window?
  20. @ Lukas, @ all, as you already might have seen, some days ago we have uploaded a new website. We hope you enjoy it. Some of our users have saved direct links to a certain page of the old website. If you would like to access these pages now you will get a 404 - file not found error in your browser. Please remove such old direct links and use the root URL "http://www.aivlasoft.com" now. Also for other websites I always recommend to only save root links. Just my two cents .
  21. Hi all, It seems that the recently released full-setup 1.5.0 didn't copy/paste some important files to their required location. Finally the bug could be located and a new setup has been created. Please re-download the setup, run it again and retry then to start the DataProvider. http://www.aivlasoft.com/download/index.html Sorry for the inconvenience.
  22. Hi all, the problem is the missing file "Runways.txt" on your computer. The file "Runways.txt" should be installed when running the EFB installer but as it looks the installer doesn't. Today (2014-01-06) I have uploaded a new full-setup which has been fixed. To fix it on your computer you can download the runways file herein and then copy/paste it into the following folder on your DataProvider's computer: C:\Users\[your username]\Documents\AivlaSoft\EFB\UserData After saving the file to that location please restart the DataProvider. Runways.txt
  23. Hi Gus, is this error message a persistent problem or did you try again to run the installer since then? Please make sure that no other process/program is running when you run the installer, in any doubt restart your computer before you run the installer.
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