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Everything posted by bobsk8

  1. I use Sids and Stars on almost every flight in EFB 2. Why are you just trying to make up problems with the new version?
  2. That's similar to what I got. Did you try shutting EFB down and restarting it?
  3. That's a bummer. I was going to suggest a reinstall, but you already did that. Have to wait for tech support to get on line I guess. I would suspect they will be here today since they just released an update.
  4. First time I loaded a flight plan, and clicked departure to get weather, I got one of those unhandled exception windows errors. Got another one, then shut EFB down and restarted, now seems OK.
  5. Just ran the update, and no problems for me. Did you try rebooting your PC?
  6. It can't be any easier than making a flight plan with Simbrief. You put in the departure airport, and destination airport and aircraft type and click one button and you have your plan ready to export to EFB and PMDG, Why are you making it so difficult?
  7. Simbrief is a great flight planner and it is free. It has a free downloader that exports to EFB V2 and PMDG with one click. https://www.simbrief.com/home/index.php
  8. I only see the 2 lines unless I zoom the map view way in. How did you fix this?
  9. That's great . Thanks. You put alot of work into that.
  10. I wish I could get my AI displays to look like yours. Just the flight number and airports. I get these weird displays like G? JEDH 130 and under that A+20 down arrow ` and aircraft type. I read the manual on this topic but can't figure out what to change.
  11. All I need to know is where are the files located?
  12. Is there a way to delete multiple flightplans all at once, or must it be done one at a time?
  13. I am sure they will be heart broken if you decide not to purchase V2...
  14. Cause ranting just keeps popping up, with the same thing over and over.
  15. If you don't like V2, why not just use V1? This get's really old.....
  16. Do the aircraft you fly have a clock in them by any chance?
  17. That is not what an audio compressor does, and I am a retired audio engineer. You need a limiter. Just turn it down in windows...PS, I don't work for Aivlasoft, just a happy customer.
  18. I think the complaints about the demo are by a few compared to all the people that tried the demo. I had an issue with the demo where I had to log on a few times, and then it worked. Did that over 2 days, saw that it was a great program and purchased. Didn't take me 100 hours to figure out if it was good or not if you catch my drift. Once I purchased it, never had any problem after that which has been reported by everyone that did what I did. .
  19. One Gig of space on your drive, I am really surprised that anything runs.
  20. World of difference between Little Nav map and EFB. Like a bicycle and a Ferrari.
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