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UK2000 EGPF Scenery not updated

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Hi Urs


I was reading the thread regarding UK2000 EGCC.  I am having a similar issue with UK2000 EGPF.  UK2000 gives the user the option to install to the addons directory or the scenery.cfg file.  I chose the scenery.cfg file for all my UK2000 products as the user can still control the scenery layering using this method.


However, no matter what I try, EGPF is reading the default/stock airport ADE file.  I have installed the latest update V1.6.11 but this has made no difference.  EGPH/EGPK are all reading correctly so it appears to be an issue with EGPF.  The only thing I have changed is some parking allocation codes and then used the latest ADE version to recompile.  Maybe this has had some effect?


I also have littlenavmap installed, but it is reading the correct ADE file and displaying the correct airport layout (gates etc.).


Any help would be appreciated.  If you need further information from me le me know.



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OK, thanks URS, it is strange how it is only affecting some airports and not others from the same author, or, as mentioned, maybe when I allocated specific parking gates and recompiled?  I will try using the basic ADE file that came with the scenery just to prove that theory.


Thanks for the fast reply.



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Theory confirmed, if I load up the original ADE file then EFB displays the correct layour for EGPF, if I load up the modified ADE that includes specific parking then EFB defaults to the stock EGPF ADE.  So, what is the ADE compiler doing?


I am using the freeware Airport Design Editor V01.75.6400 RC1

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I noticed yesterday that the UK2000 sceneries install them selves differently from all other sceneries I have in P3D v4.

They are the only sceneries that end up in a sceneries.xml... or was it scenery-addons.xml...  and inside the sim, in scenery library, they have a blue marking in the checker box.

This happens after using the new installers from UK2000


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UK2000 gives the user the option to install to the addons directory or the scenery.cfg file.   If you install to the new, default location (addons) then you have no control over the scenery layering and that´s why you have the blue check mark.  If you choose to install to the scenery.cfg file then you will not have this issue.

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Well, you can only use one of the options, if you try to use two you will end up with scenery file problems,  For me I am using the scenery file option for the reason described in my previous post,  At the end of the day it will be personal choice and how much control you want.  The benefit of the addon.xml is that you would not need to reinstall the scenery if you remove - reinstall  P3D V4.

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