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Everything posted by bradrcfii

  1. I noticed ground speeds reported in excess of 850 knts when it should have about 550. Any remedies?
  2. What a great release! I love the VATSIM integration, the frequency strip and FSX automation, WAV file alarms for transition atitude, new controllers, etc., traffic display. What a home run. Should have been version 2.X.
  3. EFB is already my favorite addon. The VATSIM support is awesome. Thanks, Brad
  4. I love this product. I am laoding the latest Navigraph files and am not sure where to put them. The default location that the install script want to use is the root FSX directory. I run EFB ona remote machine. Please confirm the proper destination for Navigraph files? Thanks You
  5. I was very careful with the installation instructions having installed two other networked apps and learning to be careful. After all, EFB worked first try. I am not sure if FSX was paused or not. I will pay close attention next flight. Thanks,
  6. I am still in the trial period and everything worked great last night. Today, I loaded another flight plan, activated the plan, went to the progress page which displayed the KLAX airport diagram. The aircraft sybol is greyed out and not sure why. I have a good connection with the data provider. What am I missing? Why is the aircraft symbol greyed out? Brad edit: I started my taxi, looked at the monitor and the aircraft sysbol was then active. I really need to know what is going on. Still interested to know why it was greyed out. Thanks
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