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Everything posted by mmaier41

  1. In my opinion, this is the same situation with alphabetic runway designation.
  2. Hi Urs, EDDM_AF_SODE.bgl is also the Airport file the both files works visaversa IF SODE Then rename EDDM_AF_SODE.bgl .off to EDDM_AF_SODE.bgl rename EDDM_AF.bgl to EDDM_AF.bgl.off Else rename EDDM_AF_SODE.bgl to EDDM_AF_SODE.bgl .off rename EDDM_AF.bgl.off to EDDM_AF.bgl END IF I think that's the logic of the "Configuration Manager EDDM" For the safety of my viewing i have run the EFBv2 DB-builder for both situations and the result is always the same EVBvs DB-builder read only the stock airport. Please read this topic !!!
  3. EDDM_AF.BGL has been sent. There are many files in this folder. I have sent you also EDDM_AF_SODE.bgl because EDDM_AF.BGL is set to "off" when SODE is selected for this airport.
  4. Hi Urs, the only file in "Area EDDM-LC-ELV, required=False, active=True, layer=177, path=C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\SimMarket\TAXI2GATE-EDDM P3Dv4 P3Dv4\data\EDDM-LC-ELV" is ELEVATIONS15.BGL and is not an airport.
  5. Hi Urs, i talk about EDDM and i have searched for a similar issue and found this topic "T2G LFPG fake runways". Your Q: about Title='EDDM_Munich_P3DV4_ADE' Path=C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Addon Scenery\ADE\EDDM_Munich_P3DV4_ADE This scenery has been a own correction for EDDM (from Aerosoft MA Munic not compatible for P3DV4) , in EFBv2 was this scenery activated and displayed. I removed this scenery to check why i not get my new T2G-EDDM scenery, however got the stock airport ...\0601\scenery\APX51140.bgl as the picture shows. Your Q: about " these three folders? " In Area EDDM, required=False, active=True, layer=176, path=C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\SimMarket\TAXI2GATE-EDDM P3Dv4 P3Dv4\data\EDDM can you find a file named EDDM_AF.BGL i think this is the correct Airport file for EFBv2, but has runways no numbered same as in the topic "T2G LFPG fake runways" described. This picture shows you the list of Runways from EDDM_AF.BGL
  6. Hi Urs, it seem the same Error you have fixed in EFBv1 see topic T2G LFPG fake runways Client_201807260830.txt.zip Server_201807260830.txt.zip
  7. Hi, what color-item in clear words can i use to change the color of this item Z104, see picture. Regards Manfred Maier
  8. Hi Clive, after 'fly now' the only action was done with keyboard to request for clearance.
  9. I use PROATC/X with uplink path, EFBv2, P3DV4.3 and PMDG 742. After clearance from PROATC/X i get this Error FPL_EVBv2-EDDK-EGLL_Error. I think this is a communication problem between PROATCX and EFBv2. This is happen for all runways with appendix -R,-L,-C and for all airports. Uplink-Datei from EFBv2_EDDKEGLL.pln I have found this first in EFBv2 , that's why i write this misconduct here.
  10. Hi Urs, i hat the same error. The server and client must be run as administrator. ? Procdure-Panel (Departure, Approach) is now displayed. Regards Manfred Maier
  11. Hi Urs, my own developed airport EXXX has in EFB v1 my procedure descripted in EXXX.txt (SIDSTARS), this seem for the new EFB v2 DB procedures.bin is not more possible. ? Is there a way in EFB v2 to insert this procedure extern ? Regards Manfred Maier
  12. Thanks for the quick solution. It works as usual.
  13. Hi Urs, thanks for clarification about ORBX\FTX_VECTOR\FTX_VECTOR_APT i will now handle this at your manner specifically for 3.party software like EFB, FS-FC ect.
  14. Hi Urs, where you get the information for the content of "SceneryExclude.txt" ? FS-FlightControl don't use such a list, i have taken a look in there logfile and i see any airport of ORBX\FTX_VECTOR\FTX_VECTOR_APT\scenery will be used. I have now taken a special scenery.cfg with Active=False in ORBX\FTX_VECTOR\FTX_VECTOR_APT for FS-FlightControl, so LDPL looks identical. I don't know what is correct with ORBX\FTX_VECTOR\FTX_VECTOR_APT ???
  15. Thanks Urs, now i will checkout this "SceneryExclude.txt" and ask FS-FlightControl what they think about why take this scenery with "SceneryExclude.txt".
  16. Hi Urs, could it be, EFB have problems to handle scenery's with ORBX in it. For example EFB takes for LDPL (Pula): Source File: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Scenery\0602\scenery\APX51160.bgl; The Program FS-FlightConrol takes for LDPL (Pula) : Source File: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Scenery\0602\scenery\APX51160.bgl; C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_VECTOR\FTX_VECTOR_APT\scenery\APT_LDPL.bgl <<<< aktuell Both programs used C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\scenery.cfg Regards Manfred Maier DataProviderLogfile.txt scenery.cfg
  17. Hi CXA001 look for this tool "AddonOrganizer_Install_P3D_V4", this give you an overview about the P3D_V4 add-ons, also a good tool to modify your scenery.cfg outside the P3DV4 simulator.
  18. Hi Ken, i'm also a owner from a self developed Airport. For EFB you must for every new AIRAC-Cycle modify the following files: Windows 10 Path: P3DV4.1 also for FSX C:\Users\yourname\Documents\AivlaSoft\EFB\Navdata\Navigraph FMS Data\NavData Files: AIRPORTS.dat, WPNAVAID.txt, WPNAVAPT.txt, WPNAVFIX.txt For Examble my own Airport is EXXX all inputs should be in geographically order. AIRPORTS.dat EXXX 5000 48.374882 10.798589 WPNAVAID.txt DIEDORF EXIL ILSD 48.357309 10.767003110.30T DIEDORF EXV VORD 48.363374 10.777358108.20H DIEDORF EXN NDB 48.374013 10.798929395.00N WPNAVAPT.txt DIEDORF EXXX05 11512049 48.354126 010.762671110.3004901542 DIEDORF EXXX23 11512229 48.374840 010.798541000.0022901542 WPNAVFIX.txt SC005 SC005 48.127700 10.375300 SCANF SCANF 48.191830 10.188050 SC05A SC05A 48.195700 10.490450 SC05B SC05B 48.248450 10.580740 SC05C SC05C 48.292300 10.656190 SC05D SC05D 48.320650 10.705320 SC23C SC23C 48.389460 10.823510 SC23B SC23B 48.428880 10.890610 SC23A SC23A 48.476000 10.974420 SC023 SC023 48.547010 10.966930 Procedures SID/STAR Path C:\Users\yourname\Documents\AivlaSoft\EFB\Navdata\Navigraph FMS Data\SIDSTARS Myfile EXXX.txt //EXXX (Diedorf) 01.12.2015 von mma //IDs, STARs, APPROACHEs für Airport Diedorf (EXXX) //Airport 48.362957,10.776728 //RW05 //EXI ILS/DME 110.30 //EXV VOR/DME 108.20 //EXN NDB 395.0 //COM RADIO //TOWER TOWER 131.000 //APPROCH APP 132.000 //ATIS INFO 124.575 von EDMA FIXES FIX KPT LATLON N 47 44.7465 E 10 20.9900 FIX ALG LATLON N 47 59.9908 E 10 16.0303 FIX LAB LATLON N 48 03.9100 E 10 52.8400 FIX ETSA LATLON N 48 04.2300 E 10 45.3600 FIX SC005 LATLON N 48 07.6698 E 10 22.5336 FIX ALTEN LATLON N 48 09.4705 E 10 06.7337 FIX SCANF LATLON N 48 11.5096 E 10 11.2832 FIX SC05A LATLON N 48 11.7372 E 10 29.4138 FIX LUP LATLON N 48 13.0800 E 09 54.6489 FIX LUP LATLON N 48 13.0900 E 09 54.6801 FIX SC05B LATLON N 48 14.9070 E 10 34.8312 FIX MAH LATLON N 48 15.8059 E 11 18.7155 FIX SC05C LATLON N 48 17.5398 E 10 39.3630 FIX SC05D LATLON N 48 19.2388 E 10 42.3191 FIX EXIL LATLON N 48 21.4386 E 10 47.9889 FIX EXV LATLON N 48 21.8024 E 10 46.6414 FIX EXN LATLON N 48 22.4408 E 10 47.9357 FIX SC23C LATLON N 48 23.3592 E 10 49.3950 FIX MA007 LATLON N 48 24.4530 E 10 51.1458 FIX SC23B LATLON N 48 25.7520 E 10 53.4120 FIX ESULI LATLON N 48 26.0500 E 09 13.6500 FIX SC23A LATLON N 48 28.5528 E 10 58.4382 FIX MA047 LATLON N 48 31.5040 E 10 51.2029 FIX SC023 LATLON N 48 32.8226 E 10 58.0133 FIX WLD LATLON N 48 34.7666 E 11 07.7612 FIX RIDAR LATLON N 48 35.3053 E 10 48.1695 FIX TGO LATLON N 48 37.1049 E 09 15.5532 ENDFIXES RNWS RNW 05 RNW 23 ENDRNWS SIDS SID SCRW05N RNW 05 HDG 049 UNTIL 2000 FIX SC23B AT OR ABOVE 3500 HDG 347 UNTIL 4000 SPEED 230 TURN LEFT DIRECT FIX RIDAR AT OR ABOVE 5000 SID SCRW05S RNW 05 HDG 049 UNTIL 2000 FIX SC23B AT OR ABOVE 3500 FIX SC23A AT OR ABOVE 4000 DIRECT FIX MAH AT OR ABOVE 5000 SID SCRW23S RNW 23 HDG 229 UNTIL 2000 FIX SC05C AT OR ABOVE 3500 FIX SC05B DIRECT FIX ALG AT OR ABOVE 5000 SID SCRW23N RNW 23 HDG 229 UNTIL 2000 FIX SC05C AT OR ABOVE 3500 FIX SC05B DIRECT FIX LUP AT OR ABOVE 5000 ENDSIDS APPROACHES APPROACH ILS05 FIX SC005 5000 FIX SC05A 4200 FIX SC05B 3500 FIX SC05C 2900 FIX SC05D 2400 RNW 05 TRK 048 UNTIL 1942 FIX OVERFLY SC23C FIX OVERFLY SC23B FIX SC23A TURN LEFT DIRECT FIX SCANF TRANSITION TGO FIX TGO AT OR ABOVE 5000 FIX ESULI 5000 FIX LUP FIX SCANF FIX SC005 TRANSITION KPT FIX KPT AT OR ABOVE 5000 FIX SC005 TRANSITION WLD FIX WLD AT OR ABOVE 5000 FIX LUP FIX SCANF 5000 FIX SC005 TRANSITION MAH FIX MAH AT OR ABOVE 5000 FIX LAB 5000 FIX SC005 APPROACH RNAV23 FIX SC23A AT OR ABOVE 3500 FIX SC23B AT OR ABOVE 2800 FIX SC23C AT 2000 RNW 23 FIX OVERFLY SC05C AT OR ABOVE 3800 TURN LEFT DIRECT FIX MAH TRANSITION MAH FIX MAH AT OR ABOVE 4000 TRANSITION WLD FIX WLD AT OR ABOVE 4000 ENDAPPROACHES GATES GATE 1 N 48 22.188 E 10 47.472 GATE 2 N 48 22.167 E 10 47.445 GATE 3 N 48 22.152 E 10 47.418 GATE 4 N 48 22.135 E 10 47.388 GATE 5 N 48 21.962 E 10 47.132 GATE 6 N 48 21.945 E 10 47.104 GATE 7 N 48 21.928 E 10 47.074 GATE 8 N 48 21.883 E 10 46.988 GATE 9 N 48 21.868 E 10 46.960 GATE 10 N 48 21.852 E 10 46.932 GATE 11 N 48 21.550 E 10 46.087 GATE 24 N 48 22.135 E 10 47.388 GATE 25 N 48 22.152 E 10 47.418 GATE 26 N 48 22.168 E 10 47.446 GATE 27 N 48 22.189 E 10 47.472 GATE 28 N 48 21.293 E 10 45.943 GATE 29 N 48 21.293 E 10 45.943 GATE 30 N 48 21.293 E 10 45.943 GATE 31 N 48 21.293 E 10 45.943 GATE 32 N 48 21.293 E 10 45.943 GATE 33 N 48 21.293 E 10 45.943 GATE 34 N 48 21.293 E 10 45.943 GATE 35 N 48 21.293 E 10 45.943 GATE 36 N 48 21.293 E 10 45.943 GATE 37 N 48 21.293 E 10 45.943 GATE 38 N 48 21.293 E 10 45.943 GATE 39 N 48 21.293 E 10 45.943 GATE 40 N 48 21.293 E 10 45.943 GATE 41 N 48 21.293 E 10 45.943 GATE 42 N 48 21.293 E 10 45.943 ENDGATES
  19. Thanks Urs, "den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht sehen" Regards Manfred Maier
  20. Hi Urs, is there Update to 1.16.14 or is the Setup_v1.6.14 file to be used, if so, can the currently installation be overridden ? Regards Manfred Maier
  21. Hi Urs, i think Manuel has the same problem as i have with my own airport EXXX. With ADE_175_beta\175_Beta\Airport Design Editor.exe" i get the following error message within the DataProviderLogfile.txt 2017-07-09 17:11:30.992 Debug Analyzing folder: Z:\FSX Daten-Scenery\Addon Scenery\1_EXXX_Diedorf 2017-07-09 17:11:30.997 Warning Unknown Id 003E in Airport-Structure, Filename: Z:\FSX Daten-Scenery\Addon Scenery\1_EXXX_Diedorf\scenery\EXXX_ADEX_mmv4.bgl, Position 584 With ADE9X_170\170 Production\Airport Design Editor.exe" i used for FSX no problem there with my own Airport EXXX_ADEX_mma.bgl it works also with Simulater P3DV4. The same Problem is with the program FS-FlightControl ADE_175_beta is still in the adjustment phase i think, so we have to wait for a release. If you need EXXX_ADEX_mmv4.bgl let me now. Regards Manfred Maier
  22. Hi Urs, i get a server error for the Link. wrong or too busy ? Regards Manfred Maier
  23. Hi Urs, excuse me, will no longer occur. Regards Manfred Maier
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