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Runway dimensions not correct

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I've noticed this a on a few airports that the dimensions are reported incorrectly with a 'zero' ( ie 940*0 meters) :shock:

It's the 'zero' that is wrong btw :P


I've just downloaded the new free airport from Orbx (CEJ4) and the reported dimensions on the ground chart are 940*0 meters

It's the same if you go into the airport information/runways.


PAKT is the same 2280*0

S43 is 810*0 and 770*0

KORS is 880*0

Looks like it is just Orbx airports :roll:



Please advise





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Some designers will use such types of dimensions to achieve things that "can't be done" in FSX, for example a "sloped runway" that you or I would see as painted onto the ground, but that FSX would see as "10 feet long by 3 feet wide."


That's fair enough, but for programs like EFB who have no choice but to "believe what the airport BGLs say," we're in the dark as to the designer's intention. For instance I see that 0ft wide grass strip at S43 on my ground chart. EFB knows to draw a runway wider than that, but it won't "guess" what the width should be.


The next version of EFB (one of the next versions anyway) should have a way around such restrictions. But for now we have to believe and report the data that we're given. ;)



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