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Data Provider Closing Down

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I'm running EFB across a network.


Don't know if you remember, but some time ago I was having issues with the Data Provider keep closing while on approach, causing the networked EFB Display to go blank (trying to reconnect).


We didn't pursue the matter as I was about to build new a PC for FSX and reinstall everything.


Well, I've built the PC, reinstalled everything, and it's happening again. New Windows7 x64 install etc.


Never happens during departure, enroute or arrival. Only ever during approach - bizarre!?


I minimised FSX each time and restarted the DP, but it just keeps closing every few seconds.


Guess I'll look for the logs again to send you...



Sorry, I should perhaps have added...

MainPC: Win7x64 with FSX/Acceleration

NetworkedPC: Win XP Pro x32

PCs are linked using 'Synergy' and I don't experience any network disconnects.

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