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Switching Frequency from EFB / Aerosoft A320

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Hi Forum,


I recently downloaded the trial version of the EFB Application. So far I really think this is a great tool which brings basically all those things together, which I previously tried to do manually. So mission accomplished :-)


I was searching through the Forum in order to see, if the following issue was discussed before, but so far I did not really found the same issue, so I decided to open another topic for this.


My setup:

Win 10




Aerosoft Airbus A318/19/20/21


Virtual Avionics (MCDU)


The frequency strip to support flying on online network is great. The possibility to change the frequency from the EFB frequency strip directly really helps to save some time. However this is only working for me for the first frequency I set either as active or standby on Com1 or Com2. I am able to swap the frequency accordingly so it becomes active. After the first frequency selection via EFB, further frequency setting is simply ignored. Regardless which com or if set to standby or active - it is just not populating in the airbus anymore. I am then able to change and set the frequency manually - and even after a manual change of the frequency, changing from EFB is still not possible. Yet I did not found a sequence which allows to set frequencies more than just once :-) (Remark: I am using vPilot, which was NOT running at that time)


Anyone experience the same issue? 


Thanks for your support in this matter!




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Hi Dennis,


switching the frequencies is done via SimConnect, so don't worry when vPilot is not running. Have you verified whether the problem is reproducible when flying offline, just using the FSX frequencies? Another question, does it matter whether you switch the most left frequency in the ribbon, or can you switch any frequency in the ribbon as the first frequency?

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Hi Urs,


thanks for your quick response !! :-)


Basically I identified the issue when flying offline and was trying to use the function.


I will give it another try tonight using another frequency than the first one and see what happens.





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Hi Urs,


I was now able to do some more testing on this. As far as I can tell it does not really matter if you select the first or second frequency out of the strip. It seems to be more related to the value of the frequency and the capability of the radio module


Example Test 1:



Freq 1: 123.77

Freq 2: 118.3


1. Set Freq2 to Com1 STDBY -- >OK

2. Swap Com1 --> OK Freq2 becomes active

3. Set Freq1 to Com1 STDBY --> OK

4. Swap Com 1 --> OK Freq 1 becomes active

5. Swap Com 1 --> OK Freq 2 becomes active

6. Set Freq 2 to Com1 STDBY --> Not OK / No Change and Freq 1 remains on Com1 Stdby


What to be noted is: The Frequency in VATSIM are max 2 decimals, whereas the frequency in the radio module of Aerosoft airbus is 3.

It seems that Freq1 once set is causing an issue. If you try to set 123.77 manually you will not be able to do. There is no 123.77(0).

There is only an 123.77(5) !

So when you set 123.77 via EFB it will basically set 123.775 (which does not seem to be a problem for the vPilot etc.) but you cannot override this value anymore.


Once you override 123.775 to e.g. 123.800 manually and then set it via EFB again to 123.775 or any other frequency - it is working . But cannot be overwritten once it is set to 123.77. Freq2 (118.3) however could always be overwritten by EFB! 


So far it might be an explanation - BUT :-( ... 


I also tested with the following frequencies:



Freq1: 120.6 / returns in airbus: 120.600

Freq2: 121.95 / returns in airbus: 121.950

Freq3: 121.9 / returns in airbus: 121.900

Freq4: 120.3 / returns in airbus: 120.300


So basically in this case the frequency is shown "correctly" in regards to the decimals but only frequency 121.9 cannot be overwritten once set via EFB.


I hope this somehow can help to find a pattern and the root cause of this.




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Hi Dennis,


thank you very much for such a detailed report. Unfortunately :x  I cannot reproduce it here on my system. Every switch from one to another frequency, independent whether it is a '.n7n' or a '.n2n' or any other frequency, works without a problem. Whatever I select in EFB, the Airbus COM panel indicates the correct frequency.

I have tested it with the Airbus A320 (version 1.30). Could it be that you already have the latest update 1.31 installed? I also tested offline and online (without vPilot running).


Are there other users who could do some tests?

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Hi Urs,


thanks for trying to reproduce this at your end. It seems to be a very specific issue with my setup I assume. The issue was occuring for me with the Airbus version 1.30.


But it seems that the issue is fixed :-) , but I do not really know what was causing the issue - most likely maybe a failed installation of a certain add-on.


So I started to de-activate LINDA, but this was not really doing anything different. After this I tried with the default 737 from FSX. This was just working fine

also with the frequency which were causing a problem before. So this was giving me the direction, that something is wrong with the installation

of the Airbus. I know re-installed the Airbus with vers 1.31 and I can switch the frequencies like hell :-)


I remember just one thing, which might is the difference: In the previous installation of the Aerosoft Airbus I did not de-activate the Anti-Virus app.

Just saying that this was different to the installation before, but this of course might not be the root cause of it. 


I also de-installed squawkbox since I am using vPilot now.


Thanks for your time looking into this matter


Best Regards


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