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Level D 767 Flight Plans

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The Flightplan folder for the LD 767 resides in the LevelD folder under navdata/flight plans.


When I make a flight plan with AlviaSoft, the plan is saved to the default FS flight plan folder with a .pln extension. If instead I save the ALviaSoft flightplan to the LevelD folder as mentioned above, boot up the LD767, I cannot load this plan into the LD 767 FMC for reason I do not know.


Comments from anyone appreciated


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I assume that the Level-D 767 FMC is capable of reading FSX flightplans? Sorry, but I'm not an owner of a LD767. Could you please send me one flight plan which can be read from the FMC and (if possible) the same route/plan created by EFB which cannot be read? So probably I can recognize the difference?

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Hi all

the LevelD 767 FMC can only read .rte files, I don't know why they did not implement .pln.....they will have their reasons!!! I also fly the LVLD767 the only real workaround I know of is to import a .pln into EFB then copy it using the clipboard function, then go to SimRoutes.com paste your route into the generate routes side and last but not least then export it again into your 767 navadata file. its not the easiet way but its the only way I know of.



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