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Data Provider ctd

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It happens lately that Data Provider crashes unexpectedly in mid flight (with no apparent reason or something special happening).

The log only states thi kind of messages

2013-06-15 15:38:30,863 [1] WARN AivlaSoft.Efb.DataProvider [(null)] - DefWndProc (isConnected=true): Exception from HRESULT: 0xC000014B


What can be wrong and where to look ?

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did you already try to search for "0xC000014B" using the search function on the top right of this forum? I'm sure you will get a lot of hints. There is also a posting in the FAQ section: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=145


BTW: according the the forum rules please sign your posts with your real first name. We like to know to whom we're talking. Thanks.

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Hi Urs,


I had forgotten that this is connected to simconnect timeout.

Thanks for refreshing.


Is there any internet source (post/document) that elaborates on what can overload simconnect (except the obvious, i.e. addons connected through it)?

In the first google search could not find something.




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True, that is I am looking for the "theory" behind it.

From what I read around, simconnect "overloads" with other things too (internal fs operations), beyond addons communicating with it.

The only ones I am using are FSUIPC, AS2012 and EFB (and probably FSrecorder if it is also hooked on simconnect), which normally should not overload it; except if some of these "misbehave" or there are also other parameters.

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