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A few questions on EFB

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I have got a few question about EFB:


  • Does FSX need to be run in window mode, or full screen mode, assuming I am running EFB on the same PC as FSX?
  • If running FSX and EFB on two separate PCs, can I run FSX in full screen mode, or window mode is still the best choice?
  • I understand I can get updated AIRACS from Navigraph, but what about the charts? Do the charts get updated as well, and if so, through which provider?
  • Can I run EFB on a separate monitor?
  • Can EFB be installed on the same PC, but on a different hard disk than the FSX one?


Please pardon my many questions, but I am writing on behalf on different potential customers, who are interested in EFB but would like to know more about it. Many thanks for your attention, regards



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The quick answers to those questions are:


  • Windowed, if you want to use the EFB Display Unit on the same PC. (I do this too, and stay in windowed mode.)
  • If you want to use the EFB Display Unit on a remote PC, you can run FSX in either windowed or full-screen. (I do this too.)
  • EFB charts are generated in real-time, so a new AIRAC means that all charts are "current." (Everyone who updates their AIRAC does this.)
  • Yes, on either the FSX PC or a remote PC. (I do this on my FSX PC.)
  • Yes. (I do this.)

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