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Frequency strip missing from Enroute Charts

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Hi...Just started using EFB and enabled/loaded VATSIM and noticed the frequency strip on Ground/Departure/Arrival/Approach Charts show the frequencies expected to be encountered in the flightplan route supplied by VATSIM. Only the Enroute chart does not show any frequencies. I'm using an example of departing from Stansted (EGSS) to Hanover Germany (EDDV). The frequencies for London and Amsterdam Control show on all the charts except the Enroute chart. Sort of annoying to have to switch back and forth between charts to see the frequencies.   Is there a setting I might not have made to explain this? Other than that one annoyance I really love this program. wish I had bought it much sooner.


Thanmks for any suggestions.

Noel Anderson  Sheffield, MA.

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The Enroute chart does not display any frequencies for offline flying.  It does do so if you fly with one of the online networks.


In EFB 2, it is under discussion to offer the offline "enroute controller frequencies" which your flightplan would have you cross.  (They are always staffed, never complain, and never make mistakes.  They just bounce you around until you decide to mute COM1. ;-)  )



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Thanks for the reply. As I said I am online and flying with VATSIM and there are no frequencies displayed on the Enroute Chart.I have to go back to either the Departure Chart or forward to the Arrival Chart to dsiplay and select the frequency.

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I'm sorry Noel, I must have missed those two mentions of VATSIM in your post. :mrgreen:


As I'm one who doesn't fly online, I must leave it to others to answer.  It could very well be that the Enroute chart does not show any online frequencies too.


However one thing you could try is to "hunt" with your mouse pointer for the "splitter bar" that sometimes divides the Chart from the "Header area" (where the airport name and transition information is).  Sometimes that splitter bar will forget its settings and collapse the Communications section.  This can happen on any chart, so the first thing I think of when I don't see my COMs is to pull down the splitter bar.



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Thanks. I'll look at that next. I flew tonite from Philadelphia to Boston with VATSIm and everything worked as advertised except when the chart automitacilly sequenced from Departure to Enroute all of the frequency strip disappeared..

I did notince that the System/Settings tabs  where ytou can select which communications groups and their order appear in the Ground/Approach/Arrival/Departure Tabs but no selectiuon is available on the Enroute Tab. Interesting.

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Thanks very much. Your suggestion solved the problem. Dragging at the line brought down the needed frequencies. I would suggest to the folks writing the program that having the offline frequencies isn't really necessary. Downloaded data from VATSIM fills in all the needed information and having "offline" frequencies might just clutter and complicate the process. For example in the London England area there are 3 different London Control frequencies: North, Central, and South. Seldom are they all online at the same time.  Again, thanks for the solution.


Noel Anderwson

Sheffield, MA

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