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Aircraft data.txt files missing

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Hello, today I download electronic flight bag 1.5.1 and when installing it says cannot open wave files and also cannot open and install aircraft data.txt files. run first dataprovider and after the efb display and at the configuration misc tab cannot create aircraft type and always say error. So cannot open initial efb page



Need help





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according to the forum rules, please sign your posts with your real first name. Thanks.


What you explain sounds to me like a problem with the access rights for several folders. Do you have a special configuration of hard disks on your computer, or did you install it when you were logged in as a user without administrator rights?

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Hi Louis,


there are three ways to get to the aircraft editor:


1) at the DisplayUnit, select the "System" menu, then select the menu item "Aircraft editor"

2) open the "Route Setup" page, search for the drop down menu "aircraft", then press the button on the right side which is named "Edit".

3) go to the DisplayUnit settings, select tab "Miscellaneous", then press the button "create new" on the right side of the drop down box where you can select your aircraft.

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hi as your last post and previous post in the display unit config misc tab cannot put manufacturer and type aircraft because dont have any aircraft data.txt and because of the error cannot have the display unit initial page. in installation error says cannot open aircraft data.txt files also have another error for the wav sound



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running full installation as run admin and stil the same problem. error for writing all files .wav .txt and .pdf also close win defent and anti virus program. can you pout one aircraft (pmdg 737) so i will be able to put this data text in aircrft folder and i thinks will be able to acess to efb initial page



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I don't think that copy/paste will solve the problem. There are some more files and folders required. The installer normally creates all the required files and folders. If this is not done after the installation then you first must figure out why the installer cannot do its job properly. I cannot say what's the problem on your computer because I don't know your computer and all the settings and other active programs.

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Hello URS i found the problem for the installation. The problem is acrobat reader version so for those person having problem for the instalation verify you acrobat reader version and update acrobat reader to 11 and verify if installatio version doing it on your main folder (c:).


URS advise in your installation this correction. you should give me free license for resolve this problem.



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Hi Louis,


good to hear you have solved the issue on your computer. What you describe might have helped on your computer, but I can say that nobody else has reported the same or a similar problem. So I guess it's not a general problem, sorry.

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