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Posts posted by alpha117

  1. Here's my theory, for what it's worth :lol:


    In the MetarXMl folder for today I had the following files:







    _ 18Z



    EFB was looking into the latest file (_20Z) for the latest weather, which is 1020Z in that file. No matter how often you hit 'refresh' in EFB, nothing will change as that is the latest metar in that file.


    What REXe does; I think it updates a previous file, in this case it was the _10Z file which held more current metar date than _20Z. Internally REXe know this and hence the weather is up to date, but you will see time differences in EFB as EFB thinks that _20Z is the latest file and so would I :)


    How did I find this out. I deleted all the files in the MetarXML folder, then restarted REXe. When I looked in the MetarXML folder the new file was the _10Z file. Weather was up to date in REXe and when I restarted EFB and checked the weather, it was also correct.


    Well, that's my thoughts on this. I think once REXe has downloaded 8 files for that Date it starts over writing them. REXe knows that hence the weather is always current. I think users will see this but only after 8 hours of use of a third party program that accesses REXe for weather. Otherwise if you use just FSX and REXe you will never notice anything is wrong.


    So 8 files with 3 hrs of updated data per file per day.


    I'm probably talking a load of rubbish as I'm no programmer.



    Any thoughts on this?




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