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Everything posted by captmac12

  1. Hi, I lost my when I installed windows 8.1 I lost my reactivation codes. Can you please help me get back in the cue. I backed up the software but now it's asking my for my codes. Thanks, CaptMac12 donm@cablespeed.com
  2. Thanks for the reply. Yes I did select the RX Essential Plus option. CaptMac donmcdaniel
  3. I'm referencing E:\REX Essential Plus\MetarXML. The file is showing in the folder is metar_report.xml Donmcdaniel
  4. After the latest full update my EFB is still not recognizing REX Essential Plus Wx files. Any suggestions?? captmac
  5. HI, Given I've tried about everything you must be right. Thanks for the reply. donmc captmac
  6. Someone just sent me an email that I can't disable the windows themes entirely. Just let fsx go to basic on color from the default color settings and it should work. It did and my problem is solved. Thanks you guys for the quick help. donmc captmac
  7. When I try and apply the night setting on the Display Unit I'm losing the runways and taxi ways. Any suggestions?? Thanks, DonMc CaptMac
  8. Tried the uncheck the pause on task switch, tried undoing the SLI still FSX moves to the taskbar when I try to do anything on the second monitor. Any other suggestions??? Thanks, DonMc Captmac
  9. Oh yes, have not thought of that. Thanks loads I'll give it a go. donmc CaptMac
  10. Love this program it's a great addition to my flying experience. I'm using two monitors, with one for FSX and one for the Display Unit. I'm able to fly in full screen mode on both monitors so far. The only problem is if I try to access anything on the EFB Display Unit on my second monitor while flying FSX immediately reduces to the tool bar. So I have to continuously bring FSX back up to full screen manually. Any suggestions how to get around this. I would like to use the checklists while flying without this problem. Thanks, DonMc CaptMac
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