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Posts posted by nax228

  1. Hi

    I have had this error for a long long time, and also known that it happens only when running EFB DataProvider for quite some while, but have not remembered to make a thread about it.

    At what seems to be randomly, my MCPs autopilot A/B (in air) and ParkingBrake (on ground... :D) disengages. It happens every flight, but I cannot link it to any use of EFB or data transfer ref. the DP log.

    During an hours flight, it will typically happen 2-4 times and I simply reengage AP until next fallout.

    Parked on ground, it happens more often. My Parking brake is set, but randomly disengages during flight planning or whatever I'm doing.


    If I fly without DataProvider it does not happen.


    DP resides on my PC running P3D v3.3 (with FSUIPC) - PC1.

    My MCP CPFlight and TQ with parking brake (SIOC), both controlled by Prosim, run from PC2. Also WideFS run on this PC

    I run EFB on a Windows tablet using wifi - PC3


    All 3 PCs belong to the same HomeGroup,


    Hope you can sort this out as it is quite anoying to have my alarms go off so often. Also always a risky sport leaving the cockpit during flight, but some times it's needed.

    I'll help with logs/debuggers if needed

  2. Hi Urs

    Been on vacation and havent payed attention to the forums for some time now, so I've missed your reply.

    Thanks for fixing this issue AND pointing out that the routes created with efb also have the orig/dest icao's in the saving.

    I actually think Prosim can handle this even it's not according to it's own saving configuration, but I think it will be the best if you make it look like the original routes, here in RED.

  3. We are a few fellow norwegians that utilize loading COROUTES from url. Whenever one of us have a new route to share, we can upload our local coroutes.xml via a mergeing solution in our forum for the other pilots to use.

    All the routes created with Aivlasoft EFB will display with a space betwen ORIGN DEST. Routes created in Prosim instructor station, eighter directly or imported from VRoute, will appear without this space.

    In fact, I have never experienced routes beeing saved with a SPACE in route name in other software.

    The routes can only be loaded into CDU as a coroute if typing is correct, and the fact that we have to guess if a route is saved with or without SPACE is not good.

    This should be fixed. 

    As there is no options as the "Change" feature for other addons, this could be permanantly fixed to NOT have the space. We do not need an option to insert a space or anything else in the prosim737 saving. Only ORIGNDEST.


    Here you see how the output of the companyroutes.xml looks. You can spot witch routes is created with EFB and those created by PS/VR (in red)...








  4. I have it running perfect on win 10, so this is not the problem.

    I would chose the folders in the settings screen over again, including the name/IP to server. I assume you have remembered to share the correct folders after reinstallation...

    A complete reinstall only takes a few minutes, and I would do both server and client at the same time. You can save all routes, log etc.


    Another thing I have done, is to set higher timings in client settings as I run a lot via network. Having the setting on 5 sometimes give me the same error. After changing to 9, I have not had any errors.

  5. Hmm must be something unique in my system as the dll's are not recognised within the programme, no option to save as a VPilot plan.


    Gier, so you now get an option to export a VPilot plan from the main save options?


    Further investigation required!




    No, we get an option to save as Squawkbox file format.

    In vPilot/Flight Plan, click "load" and set "File type" to Squawkbox. Then you will be able to load the flightplan that you have made in EFB and saved in your vPilot files directory.


    Waypoints and ORIGN/DEST will be filled in to your vPilot flight plan, but you will have to manually fill in the other text fields.



    I will try to make a plan by following the formula in EFB Documentation (FROM{ETD} {SPDALT} {SID{.TRNS}} {Enroute} {STAR{.TRNS}} TO{ETA} {ALTN}

    ), but I'm a little confused about the documentation remarks saying "not yet used in EFB".

    If I COULD use all those entries, It is possible for us to export a full flight plan from CDU to specified directory for EFB to load it.


    ... but this is really information that belong to a new post. I will make a new topic on the matter.

  6. It works flawlessly on my server/client setup. I installed the dll to my efb/plugins dir on the client machine and directed the save position to .../my docouments/vpilotfiles.

    I agree with earlier poster about the lack of information in the saved file, but I realize efb does not calculate flight time and such, but as for saving the route for loading in vPilot, it does just that fine. Problem is cross checked and reported :D

    I like the fact that I can also tic Prosim737 and save as coroute.


    Actually, to get more automated functionality in my cockpit environment, EFB should be able to import flightplan from Prosim. We generally don't use Rfinder or VATroute to plan trips, as they tend to often be to old vs AIRAC. Our prefered service is not listed in EFB.

    It would be great if EFB flightplan could import/load saved plan from Prosim coroutes.xml or vPilot files. As vPilot can save as squawkbox format, this might already work.




    Happy landings

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