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Flight save denied

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PNDG RTE: Acess to the path C:\ Proram Files (x86) Microsoft Games\Microsft Flight Simulatorx\PMDF\FLIGHTPLANS\NGX\EGKKEHAM01.RTE' is denied.

Not sure wht it will not let me save here any help. i did not chk "include Procedures, this flight does save as ebr flight in ebr routes,

Thank you



K i got it fixed i needed to turn off UAC (user account control settings) Hope this helps anyone else who may have a issue saving to PMDG

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It's good that you found a workaround for the problem.


I would like to note that it's due to writing to the C:\Program Files (x86)\ folder area itself... not just to the PMDG folders that you have there.


But whaever the cause, good on you for finding a solution!! :)

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