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Everything posted by chipster19

  1. Hello, i try to buy EFB2 (i have EFB1) and when i tape my credit card information the payment is rejected. first time i have this issue on Internet I try later and now it's my efb1 key that is rejected ! Thank you for your help It's too bad efb2 looks really good.
  2. Hello, Works for me. Jens, perhaps you are the same error like me. You must use the following path to read ivao files C:\Users\<your profil>\Documents\AivlaSoft\EFB\UserData\Online\Ivao to read the fir.ivao file Nicolas
  3. Hello, With the last EFB version 1.6.8 i don't have CTR with IVAO. FIR GMMM_OC_CTR is not see by EFB like LECM_BLU_CTR, APP, TWR and APP works. Thank you for your help Nicolas.
  4. Hello, for me the last CTR that EFB don't see was EGGX_SG_CTR, near this CTR, LFRB_TWR and LFRN_TWR was online and EFB see them.
  5. Hello i have the same problem. I don't have CTR and i have the following error. Sorry in french, but give by EFB. Thank you
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