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Posts posted by HondaJet

  1. I got this error at the end of the database creation so my EFB won't work on client machine.  Error   : Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.     at System.IO.__Error.EndOfFile()   at System.IO.BinaryReader.FillBuffer(Int32 numBytes)   at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadInt16()   at w.w.t.v.w.s(String A_0, Int32 A_1)   at w.w.t.v.w.s(Action`1 A_0, ManualResetEvent A_1)   at w.w.t.v.x0(Action`1 A_0, ManualResetEvent A_1, String A_2, String A_3, wq A_4)   at w.w.s.u.k()   at w.w.s.u.j()

     I have never seen this happen before in the years I have been using Aiblasoft EFB so I don't know what to do to fix it.


    Everything was fine for my last flight before Navigraph 2310 was updated for MSFS from 2309.  Now I can't get the database to run successfully.  I can't attach the full logfile since it is larger than the max size allowed with this forum.

    Thanks for your help.


  2. I have EFB v2, build 114, and am still having issues with many airports showing no ILS approaches even though the aircraft being flown has ILS approaches.  Two specific airports are KMCO & LIEE that I recently visited.  I have Navigraph data updated monthly and my current expiration is in January 2020.  Both my aircraft today (QW B787) and the EFB have been updated to the current airac.

    I saw the notice that this was supposed to be fixed with build 114 but I can confirm it is not.

    Any suggestions?    Thanks,


  3. One more thing I found in case someone else runs into this issue with fsAerodata and EFB.

    I found a comment in their forum about this problem with Cycle 1808 so I tried it and it cleared the errors on this run.

    They said to disable and then re-enable the database in fsAerodata.  Then run the database builder in EFB again.

    This time it ran with no errors.  Yea!

    Thanks for all your help on this guys.


  4. I uninstalled fsAerodata and all its files I could find after the uninstall.  Then reinstalled it and ran the update to 1809 (both done with anti-virus off).  Then ran the update Navdata which ran successfully without any errors.

    Then I ran Update Simulator which came up with 7 warnings and 3 errors like before (shown in attached file).

    Even though the errors were still there I checked my last flight airports (KATL & KICT) and they both show ILS approaches now.

    Hopefully this will continue on my next flights and all is good again.

    Thanks for all your help on this guys.


    EFB Errors.png

    ILS Showing.png

  5. Urs,

    I do update fsAerodata each month when I update Navigraph so that is up to 1809 also.

    Sorry about not mentioning the errors, I just didn't remember it when writing up the details.  The best I can recollect that has happened every time I ran that process.


    I attached the KATL airport info as requested.

    Let me know how I can help further.  Do you think I need to reinstall this program?

    Thanks for your efforts.




    Airport Info.png

  6. I am having the same problems but it is wide spread.  I made a trip to KICT and no ILS approaches were listed even though they exist in both Navigraph charts and the Maddog MD82 databases.   I also have Navigraph navdata up to date using 1809, rev1.

    I am now planning a trip from KICT to KATL and have the same problem where EFB is only showing RNAV approaches to KATL.

    My server version shows and client shows 2.0 build #74.  I run the client on a separate computer.

    The airports are default P3Dv4.3 on Win7. 

    I have had other airports with missing ILS approaches but did not keep the data for them since I thought it was probably something I was doing wrong.  That was until I see the pattern now that every airport I visit are missing ILS approaches.

    Is there any other data that would help you with this issue?

    Thanks for any ideas.166532586_EFBILSMissing.thumb.png.b940fb87c1c77d5a3eeab8ffaae2aef9.png


  7. My issue is slightly different from most of this thread.  I DON"T fly ONLINE so the AI traffic is created by My Traffic Pro with P3Dv4.2.

    I am a long time EFBv1 user and never had problems with traffic showing on the moving map.  With v2 most flights I have made with the demo have not shown the AI traffic at all, both on the ground and in the air.

    I am on a flight right now which had no traffic on the ground and nothing once in the air also.  I checked all the issues mentioned as a fix in this thread to see if anything would help.

    I run all sim programs As Admin, I have the paid version of FSUIPC and I have just changed the altitude for traffic to 9999 for both above and below to test.  Both traffic boxes on in the client map are activated.  Nothing showing in the traffic monitor either.

    There have been other flights where the traffic was working but it seems to be off more than on in my case.

    Today I saw the note about restarting the EFB server and when I did that mid-flight the traffic showed up for the first time on this 1 hour flight and continued to show for the rest of the flight.

    I just wanted to confirm this is more than just a VATSIM issue.

    Hopefully the next update will solve this missing traffic issue.

    PS, I love the terrain mapping added to v2.



  8. I can confirm Oskar's last post.  I have been using the demo for about 6 days and have experienced what he describes.   Most times it takes at least 4 attempts to get it to recognize me.

    But every time I have been able to eventually get the timeserver to see me as a valid demo.  Then everything works from there.

    The new features of v2 are super but I do miss a few things from v1.


  9. I am currently using AIRAC 1409 with EFB & PMDG777. Yesterday and several days prior I have been flying PMDG 777 in and out of PANC. I have found that the aircraft will have multiple approaches but the EFB only shows 1.

    example in 777 I find ILS for RW15, 07R & 07L; RNAV 07L & 07R & 15; LOC07L & 07R but in the EFB there is ONLY ILS RW15. I redid my data build but it was still the same. If I look in the wpnavaid file located in Aiblasoft\Navdata i find all the approaches listed but they are not showing up in the approach selections in the EFB. All Navdata is provided by NavDataPro from Aerosoft. I also see the ILS feathers on my approach tab in EFB even though there is no approach to select.


    What would cause this? Does the EFB require Navigraph data?

    Let me know if you need more detail.


  10. I have looked around for something about this and didn't find anything specific. I am using v1.3.7 now. I have used ADE to create an airport from barren land including runways, taxiways, hangers, buildings, etc and I just added ILS to one runway. Then I ran the scenery data update function of EFB DataProvider. The airport diagram shows perfectly in EFB Ground area of DisplayUnit and the ILS feathers are on the Approach map with inbound course, Localizer frequency, & Ident when I make a route to this new airport. The ILS also shows on the Landing aids list in the airport information of EFB.


    The issue is that I can't find a way to get it to show the approach in the select approach area during the flight.


    Is there a way to do this that I am missing? Sure do appreciate any help you can come up with.



  11. Urs,

    I just completed the update to new Navigraph cycle 1301 and still can't find any approaches for those airports. I then searched the wpnavaid.txt list that is in the AivlaSoft NavData folder and none of them are there either.

    Not sure what this means except I just can't get EFB to show me those ILS approaches that the scenery seems to show is there (just no intersections or altitude restrictions, etc) and both Skyvector and fltplan.com shows exist.


    I am open to any other suggestions. Thanks,


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