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Everything posted by rsm2000e

  1. Yes, I am running the latest version of both parts of EFB "networked".
  2. For some reason, after making some tweaks in FSX.cfg, my EFB traffic display is now different, it used to say the callsign eg DAL9777, 737 (aircraft type) and the altitude and Flight Plan. Now it shows a bunch of question marks, no callsign, but it does show the altitude and speed --- how can I regain the CALLSIGN (I need that in case someone is on a collision course with me in uncontrolled airspace). Note: This behavior appears when I am connected to VATSIM through EFB. I would appreciate any tips on getting my traffic to display properly. Under the Charts tab I have everything checked off (Use AI traffic, yada yada, except the one about KM/hr for speed display from users AI software) ??????????????? super hopeful I can 'fix' this.. I would like to know in FSX what should be checked off for the "traffic" tab - and if any of the adjustments in FSX.cfg file have an impact on the traffic display in EFB. I own Ultimate Traffic 2, and UTX as well. Thanks in advance. robert m california EFB is the single most-valuable FSX add-on I own. I'm only sad that I first bought FSBuild and FSCommander. Neither of which is remotely close to EFB! I now regard EFB as more valuable than my wife, my mistress and my golf clubs.
  3. Yes, I was already running the latest version, which I just double checked. Now, in FSUIPC 4.8 (latest version), I am running WideClient to connect to FSX from the client PC to the "Main FSX" PC. I notice that EFB is still using "SIMCONNECT" in lieu of WideClient, and wondering why, when apparently SimConnect is "going away" AFAIK (?). I have read suggestions about turning off the UTC time sync in EFB, though I prefer not to if possible. Anyone who has suggestions - about stopping the freezing - please share, thanks.
  4. ******* THIS ISSUE WAS NOT CAUSED BY EFB - It appears to have been related to Squawkbox4 conflicting with DeltaVA AVCARS2 Squakbox4 runs on SimConnect, NOT WideClient AVCARS2 'needs' WideClient. Whenever I had Squawkbox "CONNECT" to the VATSIM SERVERS apparent FPS (per FRAPS) dropped hugely, about 10 FPS or more. The moment I clicked DISCONNECT in Squawkbox4, the frames immediately jumped back up. SOLUTION: Move AVCARS2 to the main FSX PC. Since I use EFB for the moving progress map and don't 'chat' on AVCARS, I can safely minimize it once airborne. AVCARS -must- have WideClient on the client PC unless running on the main FSX system. Thanks to the Aivlasoft team! I have a NEW PROBLEM which I'm posting today whereas the TRAFFIC displayed in EFB no longer shows the VATSIM "CALLSIGN" of the flight, but only a tail number (?) Enough to drive a fellow to the grog... Today's OXYMORON: Computers are TIME-SAVING DEVICES. Robert M. California ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Thread: I have a high-end system i7 2600k running 4.7GHZ OC, 16GB Vengeance Ram, msi GTX 580 Lightning vid card OC to 1GHZ system clock, 500GB Crucial SSD, Gigabyte Ethernet and more... yet suddenly it is stuttering like a big dog during a night landing at FlightBeam Studios' KSFO (San Francisco). I have it highly tuned and optimized, and up till now it's run like a racehorse - but for some reason it is doing the stutter-step all of a sudden... Is this a 'known issue' with EFB? I couldn't bear to fly WITHOUT EFB - so I'm hoping "NO". Anyone have any way to 'test' or rule-out the culprits? I run Squawbox4, EFB and DeltaVA ACARS all on my Windows Server 2008 box, whilst FSX, the NGX, UTX, UT2 and the upgraded airports all run off the super gaming box. All thoughts and suggestions are welcome- I can't bear a slow system - particularly if it is stuttering to the point of momentary freeze-ups during final approach / landing! UNACCEPTABLE! Robert
  5. Thank you kindly for your generous remarks! I will tell you, but I will warn you that if your at all like me you will wish that you never knew about this. It's so easy to use and makes tuning the COMs a non-event. I'll write my answer using InvisoText. If you really want to know, highlight this almost blank area using your mouse: While connected to FSX, right click on the frequency (such as 121.80 for KSFO Ground) and you'll get a pop-up context menu with the choices to set COM1, COM1 standby, COM2 and COM2 standby. There. I try not to use it so often, maybe only to set a standby frequency if I need to. I almost forgot to mention about the disapearing ribbon... check this post by Urs Maybe your ribbon "hid itself" in some of your charts. If so, it's easy to un-hide it. Hey Travis- and Urs- The answer to my original question is to click on the VECTORS button while you are in runway view mode and then the vector arrows to taxi to the different runways appear. Thanks for the pop up thingey... LOVE EFB! Greatest add on I've bought for FSX in a long while... it is on par with FSUIPC and Linda as 'must haves' Robert McDonald
  6. I was referring to the frequency ribbon... I truly LOVE that feature... to me it alone makes EFB a 'must-have' software purchase!! That and the moving runways diagrams during pushback/taxi and arrival/parking! No one else even close to EFB on that! LOVE EFB!!! I am not aware of a "pop up" menu for the radios? How do I access that, please? Thanks for a WONDERFUL product!
  7. Hi! LOVE EFB! LOVE EFB! None finer! For some reason when I moved EFB off my main system and run it networked, I am now not seeing the runway vector arrows when I push back from the gate to depart. LOVE that feature... how can I get those vector arrows to appear on the runway view? Second question- sometimes during a flight the COM1 frequencies won't be on screen? What causes them to 'disappear' are they only in ENROUTE VIEW? Did I say I love EFB? MUST HAVE SOFTWARE! Robert McDonald
  8. It would really help me a lot if EFB can check the route and calculate the approximate flight time (?) or is this impossible? I would need that to paste into Squawkbox/Vatsim when I file the flight plan for live ATC. Thanks Travis?
  9. Gratitude to both people who took the time to help me figure this out. I am testing it now. Yes, I downloaded and installed the latest Navigraph Airacc which is AivlaSoft specific. I seem to remember Jacksonville (KJAX) Florida had the wrong runway number issue, but I'd have to check to be sure.
  10. Darned if I can figure out how to cut and paste a flight plan from a different provider... The ones that are 'built into' EFB are NOT (apparently) ideal for USA flight plans Flight aware can help, but I cannot fathom how to cut and paste from Flight Aware into EFB. PLUS- wouldn't it be great if we could set a path INSIDE EFB to go to Flight Aware site INSTEAD of the European sites we don't use here in USA? EDIT: I was able to swap out the VatRoute link for FlightAware.com, and I can bring up Flight Aware by clicking on VatRoute from inside EFB. That's the GOOD NEWS. The BAD NEWS is I still cannot capture a route in Flight Aware and paste it into EFB - I must be missing something? Also "Chart Options" tab in EFB is NEVER available to me ? I think a user should be able to modify any route in EFB 'manually' by clicking into the route and adding/removing VORS or Airways. Is this possible, Trent? Or add another few external tabs for 'alternative' web resources (FS Commander 9 does this nicely). Those of us who own other flight planning tools - sometimes it's nice to have choices... As I mentioned before the US ATC on Vatsim is constantly telling me the flight plans I'm building within EFB are far less than "IDEAL" (they use less complimentary expressions, like "this plan is NOT logical or direct between the two airports given the departure runways... the SID/STARS don't match up properly.. and they frequently ask me to use SIDs and STARS that are NOT AVAILABLE inside EFB even though they are part of Navigraph AIRACC data - this is a concern. My PMDG 737NGX can find the SIDS and STARS that ATC wants.. I wonder... can EFB be updated in some way to have the latest Runways, Sids/Stars, etc? Why are the runways numbered wrong in several airports in EFB but NOT on my PMDG airplane??? I thought the AIRACC updates (every 30 days) from Navigraph would solve this issue of wrong runway numbers and missing Sids/Stars... am I mistaken in thinking that? Robert McDonald
  11. Thanks so much Travis! GREAT TIP! Excited to hear that Version 2 of EFB is underway! LOVE EFB!!!! It's "the best"!
  12. Hello! LOVE EFB! Greatest FSX add-on to date!! No more embarrassment when ATC gives complex taxiing instructions. If you can follow a map, you can't really get lost! My 'suggestion' or 'hope' is that when I build a flight plan, since I must select my own alternate destination, I wish that EFB could be configured to sort possibles first by proximity to my destination airport, and THEN by RUNWAY LENGTH, running from longest to shortest, automatically, without me having to 'scroll' up or down in the alternate airport list! AFAIK, I cannot configure EFB to sort this way and to instantly display the very longest runways FIRST. Flying a 737, I don't want to even see the little GA runways. I know that FSBuild pre-selects an alternate destination airport 'by default', and doesn't require the user/pilot to do it, but since I bought EFB, I don't even start FSBuild OR FlightSim Commander 9! EFB is simply the best thing I've found for FSX!!!! GREAT PRODUCT!
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