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  1. I haven't seen any recurrance of the problem. That, and the fact that there are no apparent conflicts between EFB and FS Flight Keeper, which I also use, convinced me to buy the product.
  2. PayPal security is very good at resolving problems like that. They can even provide you with a digital card, that when pressed in a certain area, will produce a new 6 digit number which must be entered when doing a PayPal transaction. That makes it virtually impossible for someone to use your account, even if they've discovered your password.
  3. Just tried it with the application I thought might be part of the problem, but everything ran without incident. I run FSX with everything at max, Ultimate Traffic 2 at 75%, Real world weather using REX2 with its most high definition textures. So, it is conceivable that when I add an additional program such as an ACARS program that also uses simconnect, along with EFB, I may just have pushed thing too far. As long as it keeps woring like today, it should be fine. If I can figure out exactly what caused it, I'll let you know. Thanks for the fine support.
  4. FYI, I set all the timeout settings to 10. There have been no recurrances, since. Don't know if that was the cure or a coincidence, but I'm not complaining.
  5. I've been testing your product and find it quite good, but I am concerned as to why this pops up every so often,sometimes making it impossible to continue. Thanks for your help.
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