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Everything posted by flieger28

  1. I guess there was a misunderstanding on my Site, in the way how the G1000 ist supposed to work.
  2. Okay i guess you are right. This is what i found in X-Plane org Your misunderstanding is that the G1000 does not take a cruise altitude entry. It only takes E/D end-of-descend entries. It figures out the start of descend not based on an entry of cruise altitude, but simply from the altitude you are flying.
  3. Okay maybe i have written "unclear". The creation of the Flightplan in EFB2 works perfect. But when i load the EFB_current_gps.fms into the G1000 in X-Plane, all the enroute waypoints are without Altitude. Or is that the way it is supposed to be? In different programs i did not see that kind of behavior. The Approach or Departure in the FLP of course have their respective altitudes.
  4. First of all, i like the program. It does some thinks that LNM didn't handle so well. For 3 days i use the Trial version in an network setup. EFB on my Laptop and server on the X-Plane 11 Maschine. After some while and some reading, nearly everything is working fine. Except for one thing and up until now i was not able to figure out to resolve it. Every Flightplan i create, no mater if i copy and paste it, or do it on the internet (Simbrief / Routefinder) has the wrong cruise altitude. In the G1000 ( in my case Quest Kodiak 100) there is no cruise Alltitude given for the waypoints If i import the Flightplan into ASXP the Cruise Altitude is in fact the Elevation of the starting Airport. Guess there is something wrong or i missed something. Nevertheless, Greetings from ETMN Eike
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