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Everything posted by AndyH8

  1. Thanks for the response, appreciated.
  2. Hi guys. I use EFBv2 primarily for X Plane but have also started using it for MSFS2020. How do I select which sim the client uses? I see tgat databases are built in the server but once built I am assuming there is an easy way to switch between sims maybe in the client? Many thanks. Andy.
  3. Yes. Fiddled in the meantime and sorted the path. Thanks.
  4. Hi. Recently purchased the program. After install I get the following message. 'The path C:\Users\MYNAME\Documents.AivlaSoft\\EFB\UserData which is set in E:\Documents\AivlaSoft\UserDatapath.ini doesn't exist. Please set a valid path' The program then terminates. I have moved my Documents folder from C to E drive as P3D v4 uses this folder and it becomes rather large with addons. Can you assist in a resolution please. Thanks Andy.
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