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Posts posted by Marquesas

  1. Thanks for your reply, Urs. I haven't used Aivlasoft EFB for a while, because I bought a new computer in order to accommodate MSFS 2020: I used to have a Data provider and the display unit itself (like shown on the attached image where I could manage my flights, approaches etc. Now I have downloaded your most recent trial version EFB2. I have the server and I have the Database builder on the desktop, but it doesn't allow me to plan flights, I have no access to the interface as I used to have before. It could be that this is related to FSUIPC7, but isn't FSUIPC7 already necessary to operate MSFS 2020 and isn't there a risk that thinks could go haywire?

    Kind regards, Marc


    Aivla EFB v1.jpg

  2. Good morning Gentlemen,

    I have downloaded the latest EFB version and I tried to use my old license key, which I purchased in 2017 and that unfortunately didn't work. So, I decided to use the trial version instead. So, the server is up and running, the database has been created, but the actual program doesn't start. It used to be easier in the previous version, but maybe I am doing something wrong. I use the MSFS 2020 download version (bought at MS website) by the way. Of course I went through the manual to see how the installation process works, but I couldn't find what I was doing wrong.

    Cheers Marc, NL

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