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Posts posted by PierreFSX

  1. Thank you for the responds. The plane I am using is the PMDG 737-800 so I need to load this add-ons. I did a test with MSFS and PMDG 737-800 with EFB only and I realized that the Liveries that I am using is in a different folder in the community folder then the PMDG 737-800. What I mean is that when you installed PMDG planes this create a folder called pmdg-aircraft-738 and if you use only the liveries that comes with the package they are also installed in that folder. But if you install a none PMDG livery such as one from Flightsim.to, even if you use the livery installer that come with the PMDG ops center, they are put in a different folder called pmdg-aircraft-738-liveries. 


    Would this explain the EFB confusion? 


    Also do I still need FSUIPC to run the EFB on a remote PC?



  2. hi,


    I am trying to create a profile for the PMDG 737-600, when I load the EFB client I get:


    and I do have a profile for the Boeing 737-600 see:



    I know that the .air file name in the pmdg-aircraft-736\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-600 directory is name B737-600.air and  in the aircraft.cfg the ICAO is name  icao_type_designator="B736" .  I am not sure why the EFB editor always convert my capital letter B that I put in the XML file to lowercase b? But I do not think this could be the issue.


    I have included the following lines :

          <!--this profile shall be applied if the *.air file of the currently loaded aircraft in the simulator is like one of the following filenames (e.g. Name="B737-800WL",      without extension '.air')-->
          <File Name="B736"/>
          <File Name="B737-600"/>


    in my B736.profile.xml but I still have the message that there is no profile for the Boeing 737-600.

    I must be missing something.

    Any suggestion would help

    I have include the XML file also





  3. Please find this additional info.

    1. Simulator type Prepar3d 4.5
    2. EFB v2 Server and Client Build # 2.1.108
    3. EFB v2 setup: networked 
    4. EFB v2 setup:  custom path
    5. Using licensed
    6. If the issue is related to database or procedures: - Navdata provider and cycle number 9NO)
    7. If the issue is related to a certain airport: - ICAO code.
    8. If it's an add-on airport, then the publisher/developer of the add-on airport (NO)
    9. Steps to reproduce the behavior


  4. Hi,

    I have AEROSOFT - MEGA AIRPORT BARCELONA PROFESSIONAL P3D installed but in EFB v2 I do not see the runway 02-20. I can see it in P3D 4.4 and I can also use these runway in Professional Flight Planning x (PFPX). If I look in the runwayMapping_P3DV4-NG file hi see that the runway is flag NIL.  

    LEBL  02|nil  07L|07L  07R|07R  20|nil  25L|25L  25R|25R

    Anybody knows way? 



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