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Introduction of corrected/expanded Ground Layouts for MSFS Add-Ons


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We are aware that quite a few MSFS Add-Ons do not provide a complete dataset of the Ground Layout in the underlying BGL-File. The reason for this is developer-specific.


In many cases parking positions are not linked to the TWY-system or even all TWYs are missing. In some minor cases just a few minor items like TWY-designators or RWY-extensions or Blast Pads are missing.


AivlaSoft has created the possibility to use additional and specially formatted binary files to improve the Ground Layout of a certain Add-on airport. The binary files for such an improved Ground Layout are created with our own Airport Layout Designer, which allows us to create more accurate layouts with additional features.

Such Extended Ground Layout Files are of our own *.arpt format and are placed in a specially designed folder named \ARPT within the Client's data folder structure.


Whenever an error in the Ground Layout of a specific Add-On airport is detected, we might be able to provide a corrected file for this airport. A comprehensive (and hopefully growing) list of such Ground Layouts will be carried in a new thread in the Download Section.



  1. We do not do corrections for default airports.
  2. Whenever an incomplete or buggy Ground Layout is reported, it will take some time until a corrected file can be presented. Depending on the errors and airport size this can take from a few hours to a few days as most of the corrective work is done manually.
  3. In case an airport is available by more than one Developer, be aware that a corrected Ground Layout is applicable only for the Add-On developer specified in the list.


Be aware that this Service is uniquely applicable for MSFS Add-Ons and does IN NO WAY have any influence on the respective Add-On in the MSFS community folder. All corrections are ONLY done in the Client's depiction logic.


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