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Error running Database builder for first run


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Hey Dave

As you have found the log file, why didn't you have a look into it to notice that every single scenery listed in your fsx.cfg generates the warning: FOLDER DOESN'T EXIST!. The paths given for the scenery indeed don't look the way they normally do. Or do you have all sceneries in your documents folder?

A significant issue is the missing magdec.bgl in the folder base\scenery. Please check your folder structure. Can you confirm that your FSX is actually using the file C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX\scenery.cfg for saving/changing your scenery list? You might check this by adding a new scenery and check whether it is listed in this file afterwards.

Does your FSX run fine? No issues with sceneries?

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I have figured it out. for whatever reason EFB V2 was looking in the wrong folder for the installation and I didnt catch it.  Kilo thanks for your attempt at help my scenery folders are fine and working. However you come off like a complete ass when you stated

"As you have found the log file, why didn't you have a look into it to notice that every single scenery listed in your fsx.cfg generates the warning: FOLDER DOESN'T EXIST!" 


Of course I looked into the fact that the directory wasnt matching up even though I was looking at the proper files. 

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Happy you got it working. FSX:SE sometimes has it's small differences from the "original" FSX. As far as I know, EFB is looking into the registry to determine the main sim and cfg file folder. Do you remember if you set the scenery.cfg in the EFB DBbuilder yourself or was it detected automatically? The latter would actually point to an issue in the installer of FSX:SE (writing not the actual used scenery.cfg folder to the registry), which I hope does not exist. Just out of interest, what is the folder your actual scenery.cfg is saved now?

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